Adding Touchkit addon to existing vaadin 7.3 web application project


I have a vaadin 7.3 web application. (Built using Eclipse+Maven Application Archetype)
I wanted to make a touch version for this project. I just added the Touchkit addon(vaadin-touchkit-agpl)4.0.0
The web application got disturbed.

1— The loading icon is not just rotating it is revolving around the screen.
2— The ComboBox became half the height and its select button got disappeared.
3— Table’s header font became larger.

And if I remove the Touchkit-addon, the application is working fine.
What might the problem? Please Help.



Instead you can create a new project of Vaadin Touchkit Application Archetype. There you wont have this problem.


In your UI-File you have to change the superclass of your Servlet from VaadinServlet to TouchKitServlet.

This fixed the issue for me.

I tried it, but it is not working.

I have the same problem, if I use touchkit add on. After adding the touchkit jar and compiling the widgetset my existing “normal” desktop project looks strange. Missing caption on buttons, a rotating icon while loading things. If I delete the jar file and compile my widgetset everything looks good again.

Maybe, I should ask: how can I prevent that touchkit.jar make changes into my standard widgetset? Is it possible to have a second widgetset only for the mobile UI part?