I am adding Javascript in Vaadin 6 by making a new empty component that only has my JS. Basically I just want to disable Tab key press event on my fields. I searched internet but not found any solution with in vaadin. So I suggested use js to disable Tab key event. The JS that is disabling Tab key is:[code]
$( document ).ready(function() {
$(".v-absolutelayout-WebFormTable input").keydown(function(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 9) //tab pressed
event.preventDefault(); // stops its action
I am adding the component having the JS on my desired component. On first attempt, it worked as expected. But this solution is not reliable. It donot now works now.
Can any one tell me any relaible way to disable tab key press on fields? I just want to disable tab key on only selected fields, not on all of the browser page.