Abnormal browser time out issue (Vaadin 7.3)

I’m experiencing abnormal browser session timeouts at the client side. Server side session seem to be expired normally after session timeout duration. However vaadin application at the browser has reloaded thinking that session at the server has timed out.

In access logs I could see HTTP 302 responded requests.
Line 18470: - - [19/Oct/2016:16:01:55 +0800]
“GET /clearing-nptsapp HTTP/1.1” 302 –

Please help to identify the root cause for this.

Thanks in advance.

Dear Jayamal,

We have a new reconnect/timeout handling in more recent versions of Vaadin Framework so can you please update and see if the problem persists?

I also didn’t really understand your problem (just the area).
From what you say, the server hung up and the client re-connected. Sounds good to me?

It would also be helpful to state your webserver product and version.


Hi Enver,

Thanks for taking time to leave a reply.

In this scenario at the same time few other users were uising the application without any problem. Also there is no evidence to say that at that that the server hung up. Accroding to logs server side session was not terminated at the time of session timeout in browser.

Problem is why browser thinks that session is timedout when session in the server is still there.

Also upgrading Vaadin is not an option for me [emoticon]

Thank You,