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Building an Optimized Widget Set

Mobile networks are generally somewhat slower than DSL Internet connections. When starting a Vaadin application, the widget set is the biggest resource that needs to be loaded in the browser. As most of the Vaadin components are not used by most applications, especially mobile ones, it is beneficial to create an optimized version of the widget set.

Vaadin supports lazy loading of individual widget implementations when they are needed. The TouchKitWidgetSet used in TouchKit applications optimizes the widgetset to only download the most essential widgets first and then load other widget implementation lazily. This is a good compromise for most TouchKit applications. Nevertheless, because of the high latency of most mobile networks, loading the widget set in small pieces might not be the best solution for every case. With custom optimization, you can create a monolithic widget set stripped off all unnecessary widgets. Together with proper GZip compression, is should be quite light-weight for mobile browsers.

However, if the application has big components which are rarely used or not on the initial views, it may be best to load those widgets eagerly or lazily.

You can find a working example of widget set optimization in the ParkingWidgetset.gwt.xml and in the Parking Demo sources.

Generating the Widget Map

You can fine-tune a widget set by using a custom WidgetMapGenerator implementation. The generator class should extend TouchKitBundleLoaderFactory and override its getConnectorsForWidgetset() method. The method returns the connector classes of the widgets used in the widget set.

The list of used connectors (and their widgets) can be built manually if you know what components you use in your application. You can also, for example, use a debugger to dig into the CommunicationManager class in Vaadin, which opens all the views of the running application. It contains a set of all components that have been used so far.

In Parking Demo, we first build a list of the connector class names in the constructor as follows:

public class WidgetLoaderFactory
       extends TouchKitBundleLoaderFactory {
    private final ArrayList<String> usedConnectors;

    public WidgetLoaderFactory() {
        usedConnectors = new ArrayList<String>();

Then we use the list it in the getConnectorsForWidgetset() to create the proper list of class type definitions by filtering them from all class type definitions. JClassType is used for type definition.

protected Collection<JClassType> getConnectorsForWidgetset(
        TreeLogger logger, TypeOracle typeOracle)
        throws UnableToCompleteException {
    // The usedConnectors list should contain all the
    // connectors that we need in the app, so we
    // can leave all others away.

    // Get all connectors in the unoptimized widget set
    Collection<JClassType> connectorsForWidgetset = super
            .getConnectorsForWidgetset(logger, typeOracle);

    // Filter the connectors using the used list
    ArrayList<JClassType> arrayList =
            new ArrayList<JClassType>();
    for (JClassType jClassType : connectorsForWidgetset) {
        String qualifiedSourceName =
        if (usedConnectors.contains(qualifiedSourceName)) {
    return arrayList;

Defining the Widget Loading Style

The getLoadStyle() method should return the widget loading style, which should be EAGER to get a monolithic widgetset.

    protected LoadStyle getLoadStyle(JClassType connectorType) {
        return LoadStyle.EAGER;

Applying the Custom Widget Map Generator

It needs to be defined in the .gwt.xml widget set definition file as follows:

<generate-with class="com.myprj.WidgetLoaderFactory">
    <when-type-assignable class="com.vaadin.client.metadata.ConnectorBundleLoader" />


Note that you need to enable GZip compression for your deployment if you wish to optimize the startup time and minimize the amount of transferred data. The best method for doing that highly depends on your hosting setup, so we do not cover it here.