xmlui is a tool for declaring Vaadin user interfaces in xml
The tool provides simple API for serializing any instantiated Vaadin user interface to XML as well as to instantiate user interface from XML. Syntax is simple to edit, extensible and readable.
The tool is still in experimental phase and XML syntax is likely to change.
Sample code
MLUI ui = new XMLUI(); ui.setRoot(myFancyUI); ui.setId(myButton,"button to remember"); ui.writeTo(outputStreamToSomewhere);
XMLUI ui = new XMLUI(); ui.readFrom(myInputStream); mainWindow.addComponent(ui.getRoot()); Button myButton = (Button) ui.getById("myButton"); myButton.addListener(...);
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <VerticalLayout height="100%" width="100%" margin="true"> <c expandRatio="1.0"> <TabSheet height="100%"> <c caption="Fields"> <VerticalLayout spacing="true" margin="true"> <c> <TextField caption="Name" id="name"></TextField> </c> <c> <DateField caption="Age" id="age"></DateField> </c> <c alignment="c"> <InlineDateField resolution="4"></InlineDateField> </c> </VerticalLayout> </c> <c caption="Misc"> <VerticalLayout margin="left top"> <c> <Label contentMode="3"><div style="background-color: yellow;">Foo</div></Label> </c> </VerticalLayout> </c> </TabSheet> </c> <c alignment="r"> <Button caption="Save"></Button> </c> </VerticalLayout>
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- Released
- 2010-01-22
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 6.3+
- Browser
- Browser Independent
xmlui - Vaadin Add-on Directory
xmlui is a tool for declaring Vaadin user interfaces in xmlThe tool provides simple API for serializing any instantiated Vaadin user interface to XML as well as to instantiate user interface from XML. Syntax is simple to edit, extensible and readable.
The tool is still in experimental phase and XML syntax is likely to change.
Project SiteOnline Demo
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