xgd-home-hero - Vaadin Add-on Directory
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# \
Provides a hero Polymer 3 / `lit-element` display for a homepage that is clickable.
### Styling
The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling.
| Custom property | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- |
|'--accent-color' | background color of the box | #999999
|'--hero-text-color' | color of all text | #ffffff
|'--app-primary-color' | color of the button | #002299
|'--hero-font-size' | font size of banner title | 1.2em
|'--hero-message-font-size' | font size of the slot message | 1.0em
This is a description of what the location is pointing to.
This is a description of what the location is pointing to.
The component is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE.md)
### License
Demo and doc are available on https://www.webcomponents.org/element/XGDElements/xgd-browser-tabs
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xgd-home-hero version 1.0.1
### Dependencies
* @polymer/lit-element#^0.5.1
* @polymer/paper-button#^3.0.0-pre.19
* @polymer/polymer#^3.0.0