
wired-button - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Hand-drawn sketchy Button web component wired-button - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-22 ]** ![wired buttons]( # wired-button Hand-drawn sketchy Button web component. For demo and view the complete set of wired-elememts: []( Learn about web components [here]( ## Usage Add wired-button to your project: ``` npm i wired-button ``` Import wired-button definition into your HTML page: ```html ``` Or into your module script: ```javascript import { WiredButton } from "wired-button" ``` Use it in your web page: ```html Click Me Disabled Elevation ``` ### Properties **elevation** - Number between 1 and 5 (inclusive) that gives the button a sketchy height. Default value is 1. **disabled** - disables the button. Default value is false.