
aybolit - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Lightweight web components library built with LitElement. aybolit - Vaadin Add-on Directory
# Aybolit Core Aybolit Core is a set of base classes built with [LitElement]( Each class can be extended and registered as custom element. ## Overview Aybolit Core is meant to be used as a base for creating themable web components. It does not provide any CSS except for certain "normalize" styles (especially, [`hidden`]( attribute is forced to use `display: none !important` for all components). ## Installation Aybolit Core is available as [npm package]( ```sh # with npm npm i @aybolit/core --save # with yarn yarn add @aybolit/core ``` ## Components - [x] Button - [x] Checkbox - [x] Progress - [x] Range - [x] Switch ## Creating Components You can extend a component base class like this: ```js import { ButtonElement } from '@aybolit/core'; import { cssĀ } from 'lit-element'; class CustomButton extends ButtonElement { static get styles() { return [ /* core styles */ super.styles, /* your own CSS */ css` .button { color: var(--my-button-color, #111); } ` ]; } } customElements.define('custom-button', CustomButton); ```