
paper-search-input - Vaadin Add-on Directory

An element providing a paper-input-like search, inspired by the search element on paper-search-input - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-10 ]** [![Published on](]( # paper-search-input An element providing a paper-input-like search element inspired by the search element on [``]( (now replaced by [``]( ```html ``` ## Dependencies Element dependencies are managed via [Bower]( You can install that via: npm install -g bower Then, go ahead and download the element's dependencies: bower install ## Playing With Your Element If you wish to work on your element in isolation, we recommend that you use [Polyserve]( to keep your element's bower dependencies in line. You can install it via: npm install -g polyserve And you can run it via: polyserve Once running, you can preview your element at `http://localhost:8080/components/paper-search-input/`, where `paper-search-input` is the name of the directory containing it. ## Testing Your Element Simply navigate to the `/test` directory of your element to run its tests. If you are using Polyserve: `http://localhost:8080/components/paper-search-input/test/` ### web-component-tester The tests are compatible with [web-component-tester]( Install it via: npm install -g web-component-tester Then, you can run your tests on _all_ of your local browsers via: wct #### WCT Tips `wct -l chrome` will only run tests in chrome. `wct -p` will keep the browsers alive after test runs (refresh to re-run). `wct test/some-file.html` will test only the files you specify. ## Yeoman support If you'd like to use Yeoman to scaffold your element that's possible. The official [`generator-polymer`]( generator has a [`seed`]( subgenerator.