Vaadin wrapper for TinyMCE
Wrapper for popular LGPL rich text editor
TinyMCE is popular feature rich html editor that works in common browsers. This add-on provides a wrapper around it. Vaadin developer can deal with a same kind on API as with TextField component. If you have Eclipse and Vaadin plugin installed, I'd bet there is no easier way to start using TinyMCE.
Vaadin has its own RichTextArea for, which is based on GWT's example implementation. TinyMCE has a lot more features than RichTextArea currently has.
Note, the wrapped TinyMCE editor has LGPL license. Apache2 license is for the wrapper code.
If users of this addon want to serve tinymce scripts themselves, they may use the included org.vaadin.tinymceeditor.widgetset.TinymceeditorWidgetsetNoScript widgetset instead. If the std widgetset is used, tinymce scripts are served from the addon jar file.
Sample code
mainWindow.addComponent(new TinyMCETextField());
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- fixed updating issue when returning from html mode
- updated to tinymce 3.4.9
- maven based build, zip packaging, sources to directories maven repo
- Released
- 2012-03-01
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 6.0+
- Vaadin 6.2+ in 1.1
- Browser
- Internet Explorer
- Internet Explorer
- Internet Explorer
- Firefox
- Opera
- Safari
- Google Chrome
- Internet Explorer
Vaadin wrapper for TinyMCE - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Wrapper for popular LGPL rich text editorOriginal forum post
Online Demo
Example codes
Source code
Vaadin wrapper for TinyMCE version 1.1
Vaadin wrapper for TinyMCE version 1.2
upgraded tinymce to 3.3.6
Vaadin wrapper for TinyMCE version 1.3
fixed a bug reported here:
Vaadin wrapper for TinyMCE version 1.4
Included tinymce version not 3.4.1.
Fixed issue with FF4 not updating value in some cases. Possibly on older FF and Opera too (unconfirmed).
Added ...NoScript version of widgetset in case users will like to independently upgrade tinymce version or host it from another location.
Vaadin wrapper for TinyMCE version 1.5.0
* fixed updating issue when returning from html mode
* updated to tinymce 3.4.9
* maven based build, zip packaging, sources to directories maven repo