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Vaadin Spring

Use Spring dependency injection in your Vaadin application.





This add-on supports the use of basic Spring features such as dependency injection in a Vaadin application by making the UI and View classes Spring managed beans in Vaadin 7 and Vaadin 8.

Learning how to use Vaadin & Spring e.g. in Vaadin 8, see the documentation and Bakery for using Vaadin & Spring Boot.


  • Spring add-on v4.0.0:
    • Supports Vaadin 8 and Spring 6 / Spring Boot 3
  • Spring add-on v3.2.1:
    • Supports Vaadin 8 and Spring 5 / Spring Boot 2
  • Spring add-on v1.3.0:
    • Supports Vaadin 7 and Spring 5 / Spring Boot 2

In the newest Vaadin versions like Vaadin 23 and Vaadin 24 Spring integration is provided as part of the framework itself and adding the add-on to project is no longer needed.


(Loading compatibility data...)

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  • fix for when to show error view vs. access denied view (#17199)
Apache License 2.0


Vaadin 7.3+
Vaadin 8.21+ in 4.0.0
Vaadin 8.8+ in 3.2.1
Vaadin 10+ in 10.0.3
Vaadin 8.2+ in 3.1.1
Vaadin 8.0+ in 2.1.0.beta2
Vaadin 7.7+ in 1.3.0
Vaadin 7.4+ in 1.0.2
Browser Independent

Vaadin Spring - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Use Spring dependency injection in your Vaadin application. Vaadin Spring - Vaadin Add-on Directory
This add-on supports the use of basic Spring features such as dependency injection in a Vaadin application by making the UI and View classes Spring managed beans in Vaadin 7 and Vaadin 8. Learning how to use Vaadin & Spring e.g. in Vaadin 8, see the [documentation]( and [Bakery]( for using Vaadin & Spring Boot. ### Versions - Spring add-on v4.0.0: - Supports Vaadin 8 and Spring 6 / Spring Boot 3 - Spring add-on v3.2.1: - Supports Vaadin 8 and Spring 5 / Spring Boot 2 - Spring add-on v1.3.0: - Supports Vaadin 7 and Spring 5 / Spring Boot 2 In the newest Vaadin versions like Vaadin 23 and Vaadin 24 Spring integration is provided as part of the framework itself and adding the add-on to project is no longer needed.
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Basic CRUD Tutorial
Vaadin Spring Boot add-on
Long tutorial

Vaadin Spring version 1.0.0.alpha1
Initial alpha release

Vaadin Spring version 1.0.0.alpha2
Use conventions to determine UI and view names if not given (same approach as Vaadin CDI uses). Note: most applications need to change @SpringUI to @SpringUI("") for the UI to be mapped to the context root! Changes to view access delegates. Miscellaneous fixes and small improvements.

Vaadin Spring version 1.0.0.beta1
- Multiple API changes (classes and annotations renamed/moved, annotation parameters renamed) based on API review - Removed support for automatically generated name for UIs - @SpringUI maps to the root of the context - @VaadinSessionScope - Miscellaneous improvements and fixes

Vaadin Spring version 1.0.0.beta2
- fix for when to show error view vs. access denied view (#17199)

Vaadin Spring version 1.0.0.beta3
Better compatibility with Spring MVC.

Vaadin Spring version 1.0.0
Stable release. Supports just slash as UI path

Vaadin Spring version 1.0.1
Fixed serialization of SpringUIProvider

Vaadin Spring version 1.0.2
Fixed serialization issue with SpringViewProvider

Vaadin Spring version 1.1.0
Automatic navigation configuration with @SpringViewDisplay. View scope related fixes etc. See for a more complete list of changes.

Vaadin Spring version 1.1.1
• Allow placeholders in in SpringView Annotation • Properly guard absence of SpringNavigator • Fixes two Serialization issues See for more information

Vaadin Spring version 2.0.0.beta1
Vaadin Spring add-on for Vaadin Framework 8.0.0.beta1 Available from the pre-releases repository, i.e. for maven: ```xml vaadin-prereleases ```

Vaadin Spring version 1.2.0
Support for Spring Boot 1.5 added, support for Spring Boot 1.3 removed

Vaadin Spring version 2.0.0.rc1
Vaadin Spring add-on for Vaadin Framework 8.0.0.rc1 Available from the pre-releases repository, i.e. for maven: ```xml vaadin-prereleases ```

Vaadin Spring version 2.0.0
Vaadin Framework 8.0 support

Vaadin Spring version 2.0.1
* `SpringViewDisplayRegistrationBean` is not serializable * Support using Spring beans in declarative file * Support aliasing `@SpringView` annotation with `@AliasFor`

Vaadin Spring version 2.1.0.beta1
- Avoid duplicate registration of SpringViewDisplayRegistrationBean (#204) - Reduce logging to avoid spam in production environments (#216) - Support for automatically running VaadinServiceInitListener beans (#218) - POM does not refer to snapshot versions

Vaadin Spring version 2.1.0.beta2
Fix service init listener registration

Vaadin Spring version 3.0.0
Vaadin Spring 3.0.0 is Framework 8.2 compatible version of Vaadin Spring. It has the following fixes and enhancements: - Support for `@PushStateNavigation` - Fixed memory leak in `VaadinSessionScope`

Vaadin Spring version 3.0.1
- Add missing context path to UI path info - Fix error message when using PushStateNavigation - Ignore @configurable by catching NoSuchBeanDefinintionException

Vaadin Spring version 3.1.0
vaadin-spring-security dependencies were relaxed, now @Secured annotation might be used in projects without spring-web and spring-security-web dependencies

Vaadin Spring version 10.0.3
Latest maintenance release compatible with Vaadin 10+

Vaadin Spring version 3.1.1
A memory leak was fixed.

Vaadin Spring version 3.2.0
Introduce `VaadinWebsocketEndpointExporter` to fix `WebSocket` issue with Spring Boot It requires Vaadin 8.8+

Vaadin Spring version 3.2.1

Vaadin Spring version 4.0.0
Vaadin Spring 4.0.0 is the first stable release of the 4.x series of Vaadin Spring for Vaadin 8, with support for Java 17+/Jakarta. This project is built against the following frameworks and technologies: * Java 17 * Jakarta Servlet 6.0.0 * Jakarta Annotations 2.1.1 * Spring 6.1.3 * Spring Security 6.2.1 * Spring Boot 3.2.2 * Vaadin 8.25.0 This release also contains versions of popular add-ons for Vaadin Spring, adapted for Java 17 and Jakarta. Please note, that these add-ons are provided for convenience, but they should at this point be considered *experimental* as they have not been extensively tested. These have been included for ease of maintenance. * Vaadin4Spring Extensions * Now under namespace `org.vaadin.spring` * Vaadin4Spring EventBus * Now under namespace `` * Vaadin Spring DataProvider by Artur Signell * Now under namespace `org.vaadin.spring.dataprovider`

Vaadin Spring version 1.3.0
Vaadin Spring 1.3.0 is an experimental version of Vaadin Spring for Vaadin 7.7.44 and up. This version requires a Java 8 JDK to build against. Version 1.3.0 is essentially a backport of 3.2.1 to Vaadin 7. Spring Security support is introduced. Component versions for 1.3.0 are * Vaadin 7.7.44 * Spring 5.3.39 * Spring Boot 2.7.18 * Spring Security 5.7.11 * javax.api 4.1.0
