vaadin-osgi - Vaadin Add-on Directory
OSGi Support for VaadinThe core Vaadin jar is a valid OSGi bundle but creating a Vaadin OSGi application can be a daunting task.
This package contains a bundle which allows Vaadin apps to be deployed as OSGi Declarative Service components, a bundle which proxies resources from the core Vaadin bundle (though static resource deployment to a web-server is recommended) and a sample application.
Please see the README.txt in the zip for more information and each bundle contains it's own source code.
Note: See the discussion thread for instructions on how to get started with Felix.
Discussion Thread on Vaadin.comIssue Tracker
Author Homepage
Source Code
vaadin-osgi version 1.0.1
Fixed minor bug, tidied up source and released to Github. This is a housekeeping release before releasing version 2.0.0 which will incorporate changes based on code by Peter Kriens.