
vcf-avatar-item - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Vaadin Component Factory Avatar Item. vcf-avatar-item - Vaadin Add-on Directory
# <vcf-avatar-item> ## Demo ## Installation Install `vcf-avatar-item`: ```sh npm i @vaadin-component-factory/vcf-avatar-item --save ``` ## Usage Once installed, import it in your application: ```js import '@vaadin-component-factory/vcf-avatar-item/vcf-avatar-item.js'; ``` And use it: ```html ``` By default, an avatar icon is shown on the avatar component. There are three ways to change what is shown on the avatar. 1. Provide a `name` attribute. An abbreviation will be created based on the provided name and will be shown instead of the avatar icon. E.g. Abbreviation for "John Doe" will be "JD". ```html ``` 2. Provide an `abbr` attribute. The provided abbreviation will be shown instead of the avatar icon. ```html ``` *Providing `abbr` will override `name` attribute.* 3. Provide an `image` attribute. The provided image will be shown instead of the avatar icon. If provided, the `name` attribute will be used as `alt` attribute of the image. ```html ``` *Providing `image` will override both `name` and `abbr` attributes.* ## Running demo 1. Fork the `vcf-avatar-item` repository and clone it locally. 1. Make sure you have [npm]( installed. 1. When in the `vcf-avatar-item` directory, run `npm install` to install dependencies. 1. Run `npm start` to open the demo. ## Contributing To contribute to the component, please read [the guideline]( first. ## License Commercial Vaadin Add-on License version 3 (CVALv3). For license terms, see LICENSE. Vaadin collects development time usage statistics to improve this product. For details and to opt-out, see