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Vaaclipse is a framework for building web applications using Eclipse 4 Platform and Vaadin.





Vaaclipse is a framework for building web applications using Eclipse 4 Platform and Vaadin. It allows to use the power of the Eclipse 4 in web development. Vaaclipse moves the Eclipse Platform to Web using the rich web capabilities of Vaadin. You create your web application using Eclipse 4 features such as Eclipse Workbench, Application Model, Dependency Injection. You provide your own application parts using Vaadin widget library.

About Eclipse 4. Eclipse 4 (E4 in abbreviated form) is the future of the Eclipse Platform. E4 provides the new concepts that help you to create modern modular applications. The mission of the E4 project is to build a next generation platform for pervasive, component-based applications and tools.

Online Demo Use "Online Demo" link to explore Vaaclipse demo applications.

Learning Resources Use Vaaclipse Wiki and Vaaclipse Forum as a learning resources. Wiki contains Documentation, Tutorials and instructions how to start with framework.

Vaadin 7 Currently porting Vaaclipse to Vaadin 7 is started.


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  1. Fixed theme related bug (the changing user theme impacts other users)
Eclipse Public License 1.0


Vaadin 6.8
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer

Vaaclipse - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Vaaclipse is a framework for building web applications using Eclipse 4 Platform and Vaadin. Vaaclipse - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Vaaclipse is a framework for building web applications using Eclipse 4 Platform and Vaadin. It allows to use the power of the Eclipse 4 in web development. Vaaclipse moves the Eclipse Platform to Web using the rich web capabilities of Vaadin. You create your web application using Eclipse 4 features such as Eclipse Workbench, Application Model, Dependency Injection. You provide your own application parts using Vaadin widget library. About Eclipse 4. Eclipse 4 (E4 in abbreviated form) is the future of the Eclipse Platform. E4 provides the new concepts that help you to create modern modular applications. The mission of the E4 project is to build a next generation platform for pervasive, component-based applications and tools. Online Demo Use "Online Demo" link to explore Vaaclipse demo applications. Learning Resources Use Vaaclipse Wiki and Vaaclipse Forum as a learning resources. Wiki contains Documentation, Tutorials and instructions how to start with framework. Vaadin 7 Currently porting Vaaclipse to Vaadin 7 is started.
Issue Tracker
Source Code
Discussion Forum
Vaaclipse Homepage
Online Demo
Vaaclipse Wiki
Vaaclipse Forum

Vaaclipse version 1.0.0.BETA1
This is the first binary release of Vaaclipse Framework. Release features: Implemented Eclipse 4 features Menu, menu contributions Toolbars, toolbar contributions Trimbars, trimbar contributions Tool controls Menu and tool item handlers, "canExecute" support for menu and tool items (including item enablement) Visible-when support for menu, toolbar, trimbar elements and menu, toolbar, trimbar contributions Contributed parts Part stacks with top-right components and min-max buttons Part sash containers Area (including shared area) Windows Perspectives, perspective stack, perspective switch panel (switch, open, close perspectives) Shared elements Editors support Cleanup Minimize and maximize support (min-max), fast views Drag and drop for parts Original features Editor part descriptors, new editor services Vaadin specific features Modular resource system. Themes and theme contributions. Tooling New Vaadin E4 Application wizard

Vaaclipse version 1.0.0.BETA2
1. Fixed theme related bug (the changing user theme impacts other users)
