V-Leaflet-Heat - Vaadin Add-on Directory
A heat map add-on based on Leaflet.heatThis add-on contains Vaadin wrappers for Leaflet.heat plugin. Depends on V-Leaflet add-on. Visualises 10 000 points in a snap.
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V-Leaflet-Heat version 0.1
V-Leaflet-Heat version 0.2
setRadius bug fix release
Note, this is still not upgraded to support 1.0 series.
V-Leaflet-Heat version 0.3
support with last non 1.0 branch version of v-leaflet
V-Leaflet-Heat version 0.4
Supports latest 1.0 branch of V-Leaflet
V-Leaflet-Heat version 1.0
First Vaadin 8 compatible version