
Twitter widgets for Vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory

UI components to embed Twitter timelines, buttons and Tweets Twitter widgets for Vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Twitter widgets for Vaadin provides UI components to integrate an application with Twitter with Tweets, Timelines and buttons (follow, tweet, mention, hashtag). Components are built on top of Twitter for Websites [JavaScript API]( For more information see [Twitter for Websites]( documentation.
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Twitter widgets for Vaadin version 0.1
Basic widgets * [Single Tweet]( * [Follow Button]( * [Tweet Button]( * [Hashtag Button]( * [Mention Button]( * [Timeline](

Twitter widgets for Vaadin version 0.2
Fixed parent pom issue

Twitter widgets for Vaadin version 1.0
First release compatible with Vaadin 10

Twitter widgets for Vaadin version 2.0
* Upgraded to Vaadin 14.x * Added workaround to display tweet iframe inside shadow DOM

Twitter widgets for Vaadin version 2.1.1

Twitter widgets for Vaadin version 3.0.0
Changes: * Upgrade to Vaadin 22+ * Component migrated from Polymer to Lit * Added loading indicator * Fixed `hashtags` handling Breaking changes: * Removed `Tweet.withLinkColor()` and `Tweet.getLinkColor()` methods because they are no more supported by Twitter widgets

Twitter widgets for Vaadin version 3.0.1
Widgets now extends Component and not LitTemplate, as template features are not required

Twitter widgets for Vaadin version 3.0.2
Added jandex index, so that the add-on can now work on Quarkus without addinf configuration on