
TouchScroll - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Add one finger touch scrolling support for Vaadin components TouchScroll - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Currently neither Vaadin or GWT supports touch events in the core distribution. Scrolling Panels or Tables is especially hard and may make your Vaadin application completely useless on iPad. This add-on adds one finger scrolling for Panel, TabSheet, SplitPanel*, Window* and Table. Include the add-on to your widgetset and touch enabled versions of components will be available for webkit based mobile browsers. No code changes are required. Next version may support remaining scrollable components like sub windows, split panel and tabsheet. The add-on uses GWT's module that is used in a demo application in GWT 2.1.0-rc1. Even though they work with this add-on, scrollable areas may not provide nice experience on a touch based UI's. Avoid them if you want to optimize your app for e.g. iOS or Android devices. E.g TouchKit add-on should be considered. * in 6.5 nightlies and above
Source Code
Online Demo

TouchScroll version 0.2.1
Initial release

TouchScroll version 0.3.0
Support for tab sheet

TouchScroll version 0.4.0
support for split panel

TouchScroll version 0.5.0
sub window support

TouchScroll version 0.6.0
fixed subwindow support (broken when 6.5 was not even released) + using HW acceleration on ios devices