
iron-lazy-pages - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Lazy-load content and lazy-register pages to reduce the first load time iron-lazy-pages - Vaadin Add-on Directory
# iron-lazy-pages [![Published on](]( [![Build Status](]( [``]( with lazy-loading functionality. ## Lazy-loading pages Big applications have a lot of pages. On first load, loading all page elements is undesirable. Most of the pages are unused for the current user. To solve these performance issues, lazy-loading provides an easy-to-use solution. Lazy-loading means that all elements of your page are loaded when the user opens the respective page. E.g. when your user visits ``, all elements on the about page are fetched and loaded. Example: ```html
Inline element baz.
``` In the above example, whenever the user routes to ``, the elements defined in `foo/foo.html` are fetched from the server and loaded by Polymer. Consequently whenever the selected value changes from `foo` to `bar`, the page `foo` will be hidden. Fetching is only performed once, e.g. switching from `foo` to `bar` to `foo` will fetch `foo` once and show `foo` twice. ## `` support You can also add `` as a route to enable restamping: ```html ```