
Timeline for Flow - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Timeline component to display data in time for Vaadin Flow Timeline for Flow - Vaadin Add-on Directory
## Overview Timeline component is based on [vis-timeline]( library. It provides support to the following features: - Create a timeline with a defined visible range. - Make items readonly. - Update items content. - Give items a style by defining a class name. - Edit an item by resizing it. - Edit an item by drag and drop. - Multiple items selection. - Possibility to define zoom options (e.g. 1 day, 3 days, 5 days). - Items are shown connected by an horizontal line between them. (*) - Show tooltips for items. - Possibility to revert resizing or dragging if condition is not met. - Autoscrolling when reaching limits of visible range. - Tooltip on item update. (*) Horizontal lines implementation is based on [timeline-arrows]( ## License & Author This Add-on is distributed under Apache 2.0 Timeline Component for Vaadin Flow is written by Vaadin Ltd. ## Sponsored development Major pieces of development of this add-on has been sponsored by multiple customers of Vaadin. Read more about Expert on Demand at: [Support]( and [Pricing](
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Timeline for Flow version 1.0.0
Initial release

Timeline for Flow version 1.0.1
### Bug fixes: * fix connecting line on reverted drop (fixes [#30]( * preserve intervals between items on multiple drag (fixes[#29]( * add timeout to avoid wrong container height display

Timeline for Flow version 1.0.2
#### Bug fixes: * add support for Vaadin 23.3.x ([#37](