
Time Column Renderers - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Vaadin Grid column renderers to display java.time types: `Instant`, `OffsetDateTime`, and `ZonedDateTime` Time Column Renderers - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Time Column Renderers is a non-visual component add-on for [Vaadin Framework]( 8.1 and later for displaying additional [java.time]( types. [Vaadin Grid]( 8.1 and later comes bundled with a pair of column renderers for displaying two of the modern date-time data types found in Java 8 and later: - `LocalDateRenderer` for displaying [`LocalDate`]( objects - `LocalDateTimeRenderer` for displaying [`LocalDateTime`]( objects. These two java.time types purposely lack any concept of time zone or offset-from-UTC. The java.time classes include three more types that *do* include a time zone or offset-from-UTC: - [`Instant`]( - [`OffsetDateTime`]( - [`ZonedDateTime`]( By default, Vaadin Grid calls the `toString` method on such objects to render a String for display. That `toString` method generates a string in standard [ISO 8601]( format such as `2017-01-23T01:23:45.678Z`. To display the date-time values in other formats, use this add-on with its trio of column renderers appropriately named: `InstantRenderer`, `OffsetDateTimeRenderer`, and `ZonedDateTimeRenderer`. Specify a [`DateTimeFormatter`]( with [`ZoneId`]( and [`Locale`]( to adjust zones and localize. The API of these renderer classes follows the pattern of the API of the classes published by Vaadin Ltd. Note that I do not agree with their decision to provide constructors taking a String representing a custom formatting pattern. Other constructors take a `DateTimeFormatter` object, and that should suffice. The column renderers should not, in my opinion, get involved in processing a calling programmer’s custom formatting pattern codes. And these extra constructors complicate the API of these classes with no added benefit. See [my feature request # 10,207]( to remove these constructors from their API. If deprecated there, I will do so here. Hopefully, such classes as these renderers will be added to Vaadin itself in a future update. See [feature request # 10,208](