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A basic TabSheet component composed from Tabs, Tab etc. for Vaadin 24, Vaadin 23.3.x and Vaadin 14.x.





This is a basic TabSheet composed using vaadin-tabs and vaadin-tab. The client side of the component is implemented as web component using LitElement, written in TypeScript.

The component has been implemented using Lumo styles and thus should fit fully with other stock Vaadin components.

There is a longer story about how this component was created in this blog post:

Note, from Vaadin 23.3.0 onwards there is also official version of TabSheet component in the framework. The API of it is a bit different than this add-on version, but the both are roughly similar implementations.

Sample code

    public View() {
        TabSheet tabSheet = new TabSheet();
        tabSheet.addTab("First tab", createTab1Content(), VaadinIcon.TAB);
        tabSheet.addTab("Second tab", createTab2Content());
         tabSheet.addTab("Third tab", createTab3Content());
        tabSheet.addTab("Fourth tab", createTab4Content());

        // Add tab change listener
        tabSheet.addTabChangedListener(event -> {
  "Index: '"+event.getIndex()+"' Caption: '"+event.getCaption()+"' Tab: '"+event.getTab()+"'");

        // Set selected tab

        // Rename the first tab
        tabSheet.setCaption(tabSheet.getTab(0), "First area");
import { customElement, property, css, html, LitElement } from 'lit-element';

export class TabSheetView extends LitElement {

  render() {
    return html`
      <tab-sheet theme="icon-on-top" id="tabsheet">
         <div id="sheet1" tabicon="vaadin:dashboard" tabcaption="Sheet 1">This content for the first tab</div>
         <div id="sheet2" tabicon="vaadin:database" tabcaption="Sheet 2">Second tab has different content</div>
         <div id="sheet3" tabicon="vaadin:trash" tabcaption="Sheet 3">Third to be removed</div>


(Loading compatibility data...)

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Version 1.8.1

  • Fix imports in lit-components for Vaadin 24 compatibility, works also with 23.3.
Apache License 2.0


Vaadin 23+
Vaadin 14 in 0.3.0
Vaadin 23 in 1.8.0
Vaadin 22 in 1.4.1
Google Chrome
iOS Browser
Android Browser
Microsoft Edge

TabSheet - Vaadin Add-on Directory

A basic TabSheet component composed from Tabs, Tab etc. for Vaadin 24, Vaadin 23.3.x and Vaadin 14.x. TabSheet - Vaadin Add-on Directory
This is a basic TabSheet composed using vaadin-tabs and vaadin-tab. The client side of the component is implemented as web component using LitElement, written in TypeScript. The component has been implemented using Lumo styles and thus should fit fully with other stock Vaadin components. There is a longer story about how this component was created in this blog post: Note, from Vaadin 23.3.0 onwards there is also official version of TabSheet component in the framework. The API of it is a bit different than this add-on version, but the both are roughly similar implementations.
View on GitHub
Online Demo

TabSheet version 1.0.0
### Version 1.0.0 - The first version, comments and improvement ideas welcome

TabSheet version 1.1.0
### Version 1.1.0 - Some refactoring to make tab-sheet more usable in template based views or using with Designer

TabSheet version 1.2.0
### Version 1.2.0 - Further streamlining of the Java API and web component - Added support for setting icons on tabs

TabSheet version 1.3.0
### Version 1.3.0 - Added support for vertical mode

TabSheet version 1.4.0
### Version 1.4.0 - Added bordered variant - Streamlined the styling

TabSheet version 1.4.1
### Version 1.4.1 - Bordered variant

TabSheet version 1.5.0
### Version 1.5.0 - Fixed ThemableMixin support, note this requires Vaadin 23 to work - Fixed bordered theme styles in vertical mode

TabSheet version 1.6.0
### Version 1.6.0 - Added TabSheet#removeTab(Component) - Refactor some internal logic for better robustness - Extend vaadin-tabs with styles instead of importing style module - Fixed compatibility issue with Vite builds

TabSheet version 0.1.0
### Version 0.1.0 - Backported to Vaadin 14 - ThemableMixin feature does not work with Vaadin 14, it is not bug in component, but in the framework itself.

TabSheet version 0.1.1
### Version 0.1.1 - Supress banine TypeScript compilation error

TabSheet version 1.7.0
### Version 1.7.0 - Added option to give tooltips for tabs when tabs are being added, requires Vaadin 23.3.0

TabSheet version 1.8.0
### Version 1.8.0 - Improve Tab selection API's. Thanks for Sami Ekblad for contribution.

TabSheet version 0.2.0
### Version 0.2.0 - Add rudimentary Tab tooltip's using title attribute - Improve Tab selection API's. Thanks for Sami Ekblad for contribution.

TabSheet version 0.3.0
### Version 0.3.0 - Added API to insert Component as Tab at index in the TabSheet

TabSheet version 1.8.1
### Version 1.8.1 - Fix imports in lit-components for Vaadin 24 compatibility, works also with 23.3.

TabSheet version 1.8.2
### Version 1.8.2 - Minor fix in theme property handling
