Forwards mouse click events on any components within a Table cell to the Table itself
This simple extension is created to overcome an issue where adding e.g. layouts in Table cells will prevent normal item selection when clicking these cells.
The extension will add mouseup and mousedown handlers to the component it's attached to, and forward any mouse up/down events to the parent table cell.
Sample code
Table t = new Table(); t.setSizeFull(); t.setSelectable(true); t.setMultiSelect(true); t.addContainerProperty("layout", Component.class, null); t.addContainerProperty("layout-e", Component.class, null); t.addContainerProperty("name", String.class, null); HorizontalLayout hl = null; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Item item = t.addItem(i); item.getItemProperty("name").setValue("Item #" + i); hl = new HorizontalLayout(new Label( "This label is inside a HorizontalLayout.")); hl.setWidth("100%"); item.getItemProperty("layout").setValue(hl); hl = new HorizontalLayout( new Label( "This label is inside a HorizontalLayout with TableClickForwarder.")); hl.setWidth("100%"); new TableClickForwarder(hl); item.getItemProperty("layout-e").setValue(hl); }
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Only forwards clicks from widgets which do not extend Focusable on client side. This should prevent unwanted table row selection when clicking e.g. a button, textfield, checkbox etc.
- Released
- 2013-10-17
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 7.0+
- Browser
- Internet Explorer
- Firefox
- Safari
- Google Chrome
- Internet Explorer
- Internet Explorer
TableClickForwarder - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Forwards mouse click events on any components within a Table cell to the Table itselfTableClickForwarder version 0.0.1
TableClickForwarder version 0.02
Only forwards clicks from widgets which do _not_ extend Focusable on client side. This should prevent unwanted table row selection when clicking e.g. a button, textfield, checkbox etc.