
SWFObject - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Integrate Flash content to your GWT and Vaadin applications using the swfobject.js. SWFObject - Vaadin Add-on Directory
The swfobject.js is a popular way of embedding Flash content to web pages recommended for example by YouTube. Now this integration is available as a GWT-based Java API as well as a server-side API for Vaadin. If you want to use the swfobject.js API from a GWT component you only need to use static functions in the SWFObjectJSNI class. For normal Vaadin use consider using the SWFComponent. This add-on Includes swfobject.js version 2.2. Note: SWFObject requires also the Widget RPC add-on.
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Adobe Flash Player
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Widget RPC
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SWFObject version 1.2.1
Fixed SWF re-initialization. Added server-side API to force reinitialization. Requires Widget RPC 1.1.4 add-on.