SubNavigator - is an addon which extends the capabilities of the standard Navigator and allows easier to organize a hierarchical multilevel structure of vaadin-application with support of browser bookmarks, navigation history, Forward/Back buttons, etc.
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SubNavigator - is a server-side addon which extends the capabilities of the standard object Navigator and allows easier to organize a hierarchical multilevel structure of vaadin-application.
SubNavigator allows you to explicitly specify a hierarchy of objects, and when the user moves from one address (URI Fragment) to another SubNavigator will notify the appropriate objects on the need to clean/refresh the data in that prioritization as they are in the hierarchy.
Two main interfaces in SubNavigator - is a ISubView
and ISubContainer
public interface ISubView extends Component {
String getRelativePath();
void clean();
void build();
public interface ISubContainer extends ISubView {
ISubView getSelectedView();
void setSelectedView(ISubView view);
void deselectView(ISubView view);
is a container, and generally can contain any other ISubContainer
, or ISubView
. Let's look in situation where you will need to display some data at address #!/path1/path2/path3
. Both path1
and path2
is a ISubContainer
implementation, path3
can be either ISubView
or ISubContainer
. The method getRelativePath()
of these objects determine their relative path path1
, path2
, path3
. path1
is a root element which contains other elements. For example, path1
could be Panel
element with nested TabSheet
, path2
- Tab, path3
- VerticalLayout
To define the object tree in the application you can use addView(ISubContainer container, ISubView view)
// registering views
ISubNavigator subNavigator = new SubNavigator(ui, path1View); // path1View - root view
subNavigator.addView(path1View, path2View); // path2View contained in path1View
subNavigator.addView(path2View, path3View);
subNavigator.addView(path1View, path4View);
subNavigator.addView(path4View, path5View);
When user navigates from #!/path1/path2/path3
to #!/path1/path4/path5
, SubNavigator first call methods clean()
and deselectView(ISubView view)
for objects with relative path path3
and path2
, then call methods build()
and setSelectedView(ISubView view )
for objects with path path4
and path5
// log of navigating from #!/path1/path2/path3 to #!/path1/path4/path5
also support dynamic containers, exceptions handling, hierarchical page titles. See Wiki at github.
Sample code
public class SubView3 extends VerticalLayout implements ISubView { @Override public String getRelativePath() { return "path3"; } @Override public void clean() { removeAllComponents(); } @Override public void build() { addComponent(new Label("Hello, world!")); } }
public class SimpleSubContainer2 extends VerticalLayout implements ISubContainer { @Override public String getRelativePath() { return "path2"; } @Override public void clean() { removeAllComponents(); } @Override public void build() { ((MyUI) getUI()).getSubNavigator().addView(this, new SubView3()); } @Override public ISubView getSelectedView() { return (ISubView) getComponent(0); } @Override public void setSelectedView(ISubView view) { addComponent(view); } @Override public void deselectView(ISubView view) { removeComponent(view); } }
// registering views ISubNavigator subNavigator = new SubNavigator(ui, path1View); // path1View - root view subNavigator.addView(path1View, path2View); // path2View contained in path1View subNavigator.addView(path2View, path3View); subNavigator.addView(path1View, path4View); subNavigator.addView(path4View, path5View);
public class DynamicContainer1 extends VerticalLayout implements ISubDynamicContainer, ISubTitled, CloseListener { protected ISubNavigator subNavigator; SimpleView selectedView; DynamicContainer1 thisView = this; Label info; TextField id; Button button; @Override public ISubView createView(String viewPathAndParameters) { if (!viewPathAndParameters.matches("\\d+")) return null; SimpleView view = new SimpleView(viewPathAndParameters); return view; } @Override public ISubView getSelectedView() { return selectedView; } @Override public void setSelectedView(ISubView view) { selectedView = (SimpleView) view; Window window = new Window(); window.setModal(true); window.setWidth(300, Unit.PIXELS); window.setHeight(500, Unit.PIXELS); window.setContent(selectedView); window.setCaption("Dynamically created window"); window.addCloseListener(this); getUI().addWindow(window); } @Override public void deselectView(ISubView view) { Window window = (Window) selectedView.getParent(); window.removeCloseListener(this); window.close(); selectedView = null; } @Override public void windowClose(CloseEvent e) { selectedView = null; subNavigator.notifySelectedChangeDirected(this); } @Override public void clean() { removeAllComponents(); } @Override public String getRelativePath() { return "dynamic-container"; } @Override public void build() { subNavigator = ((SubNavigatorUI) getUI()).getSubNavigator(); setSizeUndefined(); setSpacing(true); setMargin(true); info = new Label("This is dynamic container"); addComponent(info); id = new TextField("Enter object id"); id.setValue("123"); id.setImmediate(true); addComponent(id); button = new Button("Click to open object"); button.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { String sId = id.getValue().replaceAll("\\s+", ""); subNavigator.navigateTo(thisView, sId); } }); addComponent(button); } @Override public String getRelativeTitle() { return "Dynamic Container"; } }
@Override public ISubView createErrorView(String viewPath, String errorPath) { return new ErrorView(viewPath, errorPath); } @Override public ISubView createErrorView(String viewPath, Throwable t) { return new ErrorView(viewPath, t); }
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Version 1.0.0
- Addon well tested in real project.
Version 1.0.1
- Addon well tested in Vaadin 7.7 branch.
- Released
- 2016-09-23
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 7.0+
- Browser
- Browser Independent
SubNavigator - Vaadin Add-on Directory
SubNavigator - is an addon which extends the capabilities of the standard Navigator and allows easier to organize a hierarchical multilevel structure of vaadin-application with support of browser bookmarks, navigation history, Forward/Back buttons, etc.Online Demo
Issue Tracker
Source Code
SubNavigator version 0.9.4
SubNavigator version 1.0.0
Addon well tested in real project.
SubNavigator version 1.0.1
### Version 1.0.0
- Addon well tested in real project.
### Version 1.0.1
- Addon well tested in Vaadin 7.7 branch.