Sticky Notes for Vaadin Flow 14.+
Sticky note button to pin remainders
StikyNotes buttons open a stickynote board where you can pin notes as a remainders.
It is attached over any control an can be overlapped.
- align to every side.
- resizeable borders?
Sample code
StickyBoard sb; public void testStickyNotes() { Button button = new Button("Click me", event -> { hello.setText("Clicked!"); hello.setClassName("clicked"); sb.requestToSave(); }); button.setThemeName("primary"); button.setId("buttonID"); add(button); Button btnLoad = new Button("load", event -> { sb.load("[{\"title\":\"note 1\",\"noteText\":\"11111\"},{\"title\":\"note 2\",\"noteText\":\"2222\\n2222\\n\\n\\n2222\\n\"}]"); }); btnLoad.setThemeName("secondary"); add(btnLoad); TextField subtext = new TextField("subtext"); Button subtn = new Button("subbutton"); VerticalLayout vlPop = new VerticalLayout(); vlPop.add(subtext); vlPop.add(subtn); sb = new StickyBoard(button.getElement()) .setXOffset(-10) .setYOffset(-10); sb.setSaveCallback(new ISaveNotes() { @Override public void onDataUpdated() { add(new Label("saved data: "+sb.getNotesData().toJson())); } }); UI.getCurrent().add(sb); }
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fix color issue. Now save the color of each note. fix focus rotation.
- Released
- 2020-10-17
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Polymer 3.0+
- Browser
- Firefox
- Google Chrome
Sticky Notes for Vaadin Flow 14.+ - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Sticky note button to pin remainders# StickyNotes
StikyNotes buttons open a stickynote board where you can pin notes as a remainders.
It is attached over any control an can be overlapped.
- align to every side.
- resizeable borders?
View on GitHubSticky Notes for Vaadin Flow 14.+ version 0.5.1
First funtional version.
Sticky Notes for Vaadin Flow 14.+ version 0.5.2
fix color issue.
Now save the color of each note.
fix focus rotation.