
StarPass theme for Vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory

StarPass theme StarPass theme for Vaadin - Vaadin Add-on Directory
To install this add-on, check out the latest version and Maven/Gradle dependency snippets from the Directory. org.parttio:starpass-theme:LATEST After setting the dependency in pom.xml, update your frontend/themes/mytheme/theme.json to have parent configuration ```json { "lumoImports" : [ "typography", "color", "spacing", "badge", "utility" ], "parent": "starpass" } ``` You can still make your own changes on top in the applications theme.
Online Demo
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StarPass theme for Vaadin version 1.0.0
First experimental release

StarPass theme for Vaadin version 1.0.1

StarPass theme for Vaadin version 1.0.2

StarPass theme for Vaadin version 1.0.4