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spring-mvp - Addon

Framework to build event driven applications with Vaadin and Spring





springMvp provides solutions for two general ideas:

  1. an advanced event dispatching mechanism which allows to dispatch events easily event between multiple Vaadin application instances

  2. the separation of code in Model View and Presenter (MVP)

The documentation has detailed explanation how springMvp needs be configured and used.

The demo application shows how the User experience is when it is possible to send notifications between several Vaadin application instances (Browsers) and how comfortable it is for the user to get immediately informed when a model changes.

Please have a look at the demo application and the detailed documentation.

It is highly recommended to use this addon using with Maven.

Sample code

public class ShowArticlesViewEvent extends SpringMvpEvent {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = -7682300622168995827L;

	public ShowArticlesViewEvent(Object eventSource) {
		super(eventSource, null);

public class AddonDemoApplicationPresenter extends
		AbstractPresenter<AddonDemoApplication> {

	public void handleShowArticlesView(ShowArticlesViewEvent event) {
public class AddonDemoApplication extends SpringMvpVaadinApplication implements
		View<AddonDemoApplicationPresenter> {

	protected void initSpringApplication(ConfigurableWebApplicationContext arg0) {

		presenter.dispatchEvent(new ShowShoppingCartViewEvent(this));



(Loading compatibility data...)

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Initial release

Apache License 2.0


Vaadin 6.0+
Browser Independent

spring-mvp - Addon - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Framework to build event driven applications with Vaadin and Spring spring-mvp - Addon - Vaadin Add-on Directory
springMvp provides solutions for two general ideas: 1. an advanced event dispatching mechanism which allows to dispatch events easily event between multiple Vaadin application instances 2. the separation of code in Model View and Presenter (MVP) The documentation has detailed explanation how springMvp needs be configured and used. The demo application shows how the User experience is when it is possible to send notifications between several Vaadin application instances (Browsers) and how comfortable it is for the user to get immediately informed when a model changes. Please have a look at the demo application and the detailed documentation. It is highly recommended to use this addon using with Maven.
Author Homepage
Online Demo
Issue Tracker
Source Code

spring-mvp - Addon version 1.0.0
Initial release
