
sherby-localize - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Mixin to localize Polymer components sherby-localize - Vaadin Add-on Directory
[![Published on](]( [![Build status](]( # Sherby.LocalizeMixin If you want to **translate**, to **localize** your application or simply only **regroup** all static texts, the `Sherby.LocalizeMixin` can help you. The mixin internally use a [fork][2] of [AppLocalizeBehavior][3] to wraps the [Format.js][4] library with [Chrome.i18n][5] translation files. The *Chrome.i18n* format allow to add an optional `description` associated with the translation (`message`), to give an additional context to translators. By exemple, a *locales/en-CA.json* file: ```json { "meat-toppings": { "description": "A pizza is nothing without meat.", "message": "Meat Toppings", } } ``` If you want to have **nested** localization files, as below, you simply need to provide all keys of the nested object, separate by **.** (delimiter by default). By exemple, the key `meat-toppings.bacon-pieces` will provide the correct translation (Bacon Pieces) for the following json file: ```json { "meat-toppings": { "bacon-pieces": { "description": "Bacon is life!", "message": "Bacon Pieces" } } } ``` Also, as this mixin use the *[UdeS.LanguageMixin][1]*, the localized file associated with the current language is dynamically loaded and the localised texts are automatically translated when the current language change. ## Usage - Add the `@sherby/sherby-localize` dependency to your projet: ```bash npm install @sherby/sherby-localize ``` - Create the locales directory near the component you want localized and add the localize files: *locales/en-CA.json* ```json { "bacon-pieces": { "description": "Bacon is life!", "message": "Bacon Pieces" } } ``` *locales/fr.json* ```json { "bacon-pieces": { "description": "Bacon is life!", "message": "Morceaux de bacon" } } ``` - Use it ```javascript // Import the `SherbyLocalizeMixin` inside the component you want localized import { SherbyLocalizeMixin } from '@sherby/sherby-localize/sherby-localize-mixin.js'; import { html, PolymerElement } from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js'; /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ // Apply the mixin to your element class /** * @customElement * @polymer * @extends {PolymerElement} * @appliesMixin SherbyLocalizeMixin */ class MyElement extends SherbyLocalizeMixin(PolymerElement) { static get template() { // Use the `localize` function to translate all texts return html`


`; } /** * Get the localized bacon pieces string. * @param {Function} localize Localize function. * @return {String} Localized bacon pieces. */ getLocalizedBaconPieces(localize) { return localize('meat-toppings.bacon-pieces') || ''; } } ``` ## Demo ```html ``` ## Language aware with UdeS.LanguageMixin If you want your component to be aware of the current language only, you should take a look on *[UdeSLanguageMixin][1]*, a mixin used by `SherbyLocalizeMixin`. ## Thanks Special thanks to the [Collaborne team]( for his [app-localize-chrome-i18n-mixin]( mixin that inspired me for this mixin. [1]: "UdeSLanguageMixin" [2]: "Fix made by Collaborne team" [3]: "Polymer.AppLocalizeBehavior" [4]: "Format.js" [5]: "chrome.i18n"