
searchbox - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Search box component for Vaadin 8 searchbox - Vaadin Add-on Directory
SearchBox component for Vaadin 8 helps performing searches and has autocomplete functionality. The component is made of a search field (TextField) and a search button (Button). It supports autocompletion using the [AutocompleteExtension](!addon/autocomplete-extension) add-on. It is visually customisable, the button can be on either side of the text field or can be hidden. It can also be visually joined with the text field. Several search modes are supported, the search can be performed on button click or ENTER key press, automatically on typing or when the typing finished.
Online Demo
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Source Code

searchbox version 0.1.1
Fixed Autocomplete Extension dependency version

searchbox version 0.1.3
- Fixed nested optional when getting selected item from event - Included javadoc and sources - Updated Vaadin version to 8.4.0