
ScrollLayout - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Implentations of vertical and horizontal Layouts with scroll bar ScrollLayout - Vaadin Add-on Directory
EDIT: Vaadin 14 now has the `Scroller` component in their core, which basically makes this here obsolete. I haven't checked their implementation, but I would assume they did it better than me.. ;) ********* In Vaadin Flow, there is no Layout with a provided scroll bar. In Vaadin 8, you could use Panel. Now you can use this add-on, which includes 2 classes: VerticalScrollLayout and HorizontalScrollLayout. They can be used just the same as their nonscrollable VerticalLayout and HorizontalLayout counterparts. Compatible with Vaadin 14 - bower AND npm mode.

ScrollLayout version 1.0.0

ScrollLayout version 2.0.0
Using Vaadin 12.0.2

ScrollLayout version 2.0.1
added method overrides for addComponentAtIndex(int index, Component component)

ScrollLayout version 2.0.2