
scary-cube - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Rubik's Cube as web-component based on lit-element scary-cube - Vaadin Add-on Directory
# \ Rubik's Cube implemented as web component based on lit-element. Needs to be sized (best by fitting it into a parent element) to correctly display and scale. Orientation of cube can be changed with mouse and touch gestures. Moves need to be performed using the `addMove` or `addMoves` methods, using SiGN notation. Colors of the cube can be changed using the following custom CSS properties, matching the sides of the cube ``` scary-cube { --cube-color-u: white; --cube-color-d: yellow; --cube-color-f: green; --cube-color-b: #3333FF; --cube-color-l: orange; --cube-color-r: red; } ``` Additionaly the speed of the move animations can be adjusted with the `--cube-speed` parameter ``` scary-cube { --cube-speed: 0.4s; } ```