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Rinne is addon for a Vaadin Framework, that provides more comfortable API for Scala programming language.





Rinne is addon for a Vaadin Framework, that provides more comfortable API for Scala programming language.

Unlike to the Scaladin Rinne uses CAKE Pattern to provide Scala API.


Vaadin Forum is the place for discussion about Rinne. You can use the existing Vaadin & Scala thread or create your own.

How to use it?

Rinne is designed for use with Vaadin7. Following example shows simple usage:

class RinneUI extends UI {
  override def init(p1: VaadinRequest): Unit = {
    setContent(new VVerticalLayout {

      componentSet += new VLabel {
        styleName = ValoTheme.LABEL_H1
        value = "RinneUI"


The following people have contributed code or ideas to Rinne:

  • Łukasz Byczyński

Rinne based on the excellent work and creativity of the Scaladin authors:

  • Matti Heinola
  • Henri Kerola
  • Henri Muurimaa
  • Risto Yrjänä


Rinne is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Sample code

package org.vaadin.addons.rinne

import com.vaadin.annotations.Theme
import com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest
import com.vaadin.ui.UI
import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ValoTheme

class RinneUI extends UI {
  override def init(p1: VaadinRequest): Unit = {
    setContent(new VVerticalLayout {

      componentSet += new VLabel {
        styleName = ValoTheme.LABEL_H1
        value = "RinneUI"


(Loading compatibility data...)

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Upgrade to Scala 2.12

Apache License 2.0


Vaadin 7.7+
Vaadin 7.4+ in 0.5.0
Vaadin 7.3+ in 0.2.0

rinne - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Rinne is addon for a Vaadin Framework, that provides more comfortable API for Scala programming language. rinne - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Rinne is addon for a [Vaadin Framework](, that provides more comfortable API for [Scala]( programming language. Unlike to the [Scaladin]( Rinne uses CAKE Pattern to provide Scala API. ## Discussion [Vaadin Forum]( is the place for discussion about Rinne. You can use the existing [Vaadin & Scala](!/thread/530127) thread or create your own. ## How to use it? Rinne is designed for use with Vaadin7. Following example shows simple usage: ````scala @Theme("valo") class RinneUI extends UI { override def init(p1: VaadinRequest): Unit = { setContent(new VVerticalLayout { sizeFull() componentSet += new VLabel { styleName = ValoTheme.LABEL_H1 value = "RinneUI" } }) } } ```` ## Credits The following people have contributed code or ideas to Rinne: * Łukasz Byczyński Rinne based on the excellent work and creativity of the Scaladin authors: * Matti Heinola * Henri Kerola * Henri Muurimaa * Risto Yrjänä ## License Rinne is licensed under the [Apache 2.0 License](
Author Homepage
Issue Tracker
Source Code

rinne version 0.1.0
Initial release

rinne version 0.1.1
- Add License file - Cross Scala Version support (currently uploaded add-on is only for Scala 2.11.x. If you want add-on for Scala 2.10.x please build it from sources)

rinne version 0.2.0
- Scala API for all Vaadin UI components (deprecated skipped) - Move components to own classes - Update dependencies and vaadin sbt plugin

rinne version 0.3.0
Some minor API changes (mostly proper mixin implementation) - Be aware! - Cleanup hierarchy of components - Add listenersSet helpers in many components (you can use scala lambda functions to handle events)

rinne version 0.5.0
- Rinne hits BETA status - Introduce tests (above 70% code coverage) - Much more Scala friendly listeners handling in components - Bugfixes

rinne version 0.6.0
Upgrade to Scala 2.12
