Quill RichText Editor - Vaadin Add-on Directory
A RichText Editor component for Vaadin Flow using the open source Quill Editor library### Basic Usage
Create a QuillEditor and configure the toolbar. Define which toolbar commands should be removed. The default behaviour is that the toolbar will contain all available commands.
QuillEditor quillEditor = new QuillEditor();
Binding the QuillEditor to a Binder instance. QuillEditor extends the com.vaadin.flow.component.AbstractCompositeField class so it is possible to bind it to a Binder as with all the other Vaadin components which extend the HasValue interface.
QuillEditor quillEditor = new QuillEditor();
Binder beanBinder = new Binder<>();
.asRequired("Content is mandatory")
.bind(Bean::getContent, Bean::setContent);
View on GitHubQuill RichText Editor version 1.0.0
A RichText Editor component for Vaadin Flow using the open source Quill Editor library
Quill RichText Editor version 1.0.1
[PR #1](https://github.com/Klaudeta/quill-editor/pull/1) Fixing the faulty QuillEditorComponent#setHtmlContent JS call + other fixes