Questionnaire add-on provide simple way to create questionnaires such as customer feedback or employee survey.
Questionnaire add-on provide simple way to create questionnaires such as customer feedback or employee survey. User just create question set and set those to questionnaire component.
Questionnaire should contain at least one question and multiple choice questions should contain at least two alternative answers. Question behavior can be declared with changing its type. These types are TEXTFIELD, TEXTAREA, CHECKBOX and RADIOBUTTON.
Each question type could be set required and user answer length is limited. Length limitation can be customized but default values will be used if not set. Textfield default max length is 255 characters and textarea default max length is 4000 characters. User answers are in plain text format in any question type. Radiobutton is always required due its nature. First alternative answer will be set selected by default.
Validator messages and required field indicators can contain HTML so these can be customized e.g. images and other resources.
Sample code
QuestionSet questionSet = new QuestionSet(); questionSet.setText("Testing addon"); questionSet.setDescription("This is questionnaire testing."); questionSet.setId(1); questionSet.setSubmitButtonText("Send"); Question q1 = new Question(1, "Enter your name"); q1.setAnswerMaxLength(100); q1.setRequired(true); q1.setRequiredIndicator("*"); q1.setRequiredError("Name is required!"); questionSet.add(q1); Question q2 = new Question(2, "Description", QuestionType.TEXTAREA); q2.setAnswerMaxLength(4000); questionSet.add(q2); Question q3 = new Question(3, "Interestings", QuestionType.CHECKBOX); q3.setRequired(true); q3.setRequiredIndicator("*"); q3.setRequiredError("Interestings are required"); q3.addAnswer("Sports"); q3.addAnswer("Music"); q3.addAnswer("Movies"); q3.addAnswer("Books"); questionSet.add(q3); final Questionnaire questionnaire = new Questionnaire(); questionnaire.addClickListener(new SubmitButtonClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(SubmitButtonClickEvent event) { final List<UserAnswer> answers = questionnaire.getUserAnswers(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (answers != null) { sb.append("Save to database:"); for (UserAnswer answer : answers) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append("\n"); } sb.append(answer.getQuestionId() + ": " + answer.getValue()); } } else { sb.append("No data"); }; } }); questionnaire.setDataSource(questionSet); layout.addComponent(questionnaire);
protected void init(VaadinRequest request) { final VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); layout.setMargin(true); setContent(layout); QuestionSet questionSet = new QuestionSet(); questionSet.setText("Questionnaire add-on online demo form"); questionSet .setDescription("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..."); questionSet.setId(1); questionSet.setSubmitButtonText("Send"); Question q1 = new Question(1, "Enter your name"); q1.setAnswerMaxLength(100); q1.setRequired(true); q1.setMaxLengthError("<span class=\"validator-error\">Maximum length is 100 character</span>"); q1.setRequiredIndicator("<span title=\"This is required field\" class=\"required\" />"); q1.setRequiredError("<span class=\"validator-error\">This is required field</div>"); questionSet.add(q1); ... @styles.css .required { background-image:url('required.png'); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:8px 8px; background-position: left center; padding: 2px; height: 10px; float: left; } .validator-error { font-size: 12px; color: red; background-color: pink; background-image:url('error.png'); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:8px 8px; background-position: left center; padding: 2px; height: 10px; color: black; float: left; }
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Validation html-indicator/error bug fix
- Released
- 2013-03-18
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 7.0+
- Browser
- Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Internet Explorer
Questionnaire - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Questionnaire add-on provide simple way to create questionnaires such as customer feedback or employee survey.Source Code
Questionnaire version 0.1.0
Questionnaire version 0.1.1
Validation html-indicator/error bug fix