
score-element - Vaadin Add-on Directory

A web component that is used to pick a numeric score value from a predefined range. score-element - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-22 ]** [![Published on](]( # score-element A web component that I mainly use to pick a numeric score value from a predefined numeric range. The numeric range can be set by choosing a start and an end value. You can also define a step size (default is 1) and decimal precision (default is 0). The selected value can be get or set via the selected property. It uses the paper-button-group web component to generate the required paper-buttons. One button per calculated step is created. Example: ```html ``` Available Style Variables: ``` --button-score-color: Defines the background color of the button --text-score-color: Defines the text color of the button --hover-score-color: Defines the background color of the button in hover state --hover-text-score-color: Defines the text color of the button in hover state --selected-score-color: Defines the background color of the button in selected state --selected--text-score-color: Defines the text color of the button in hover state ```