flag-icon - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Polymer Web Component for SVG icons of country, state, province and other flags.
**[ This description is mirrored from README.md at [github.com/Protoss78/flag-icon](https://github.com//Protoss78/flag-icon/blob/v0.12.0/README.md) on 2019-05-22 ]**
A collection of SVG flags, conveniently usable as a Polymer Web Component.
If you don't care about extra features, a simple CSS implementation of country flags can be found at https://github.com/lipis/flag-icon-css
Typical file sizes:
> **SVG** files: **2kb** to **75kb**
* Images come from [famfamfam](http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/flags/) icon library, or generated from SVG.
* SVGs come from [Wikimedia Commons](http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:SVG_sovereign_state_flags).
* [ISO 3166-1 Country Code](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1) list is available on Wikipedia.
## Component Page
[API Documentation and Demo](http://protoss78.github.io/flag-icon/)
## Usage
1. Add the library using the Javascript package manager [Bower](http://bower.io/):
```bower install --save flag-icon```
2. Import Web Components' polyfill:
3. Import Custom Element:
4. Start using it!
Flag of Canada
5. Or use it unrendered in scripts:
var f = new FlagIcon();
//get country info
//> { name: 'Canada', alpha2: 'CA', alpha3: 'CAN', numeric: 124 }
//convert between 2 -> 3 letter character codes
//> 'CAN'
//get full names of states or provinces
//> { name: 'California', iso: 'US-CA', alpha2: 'CA', numeric: 6, gpo: 'Calif.' }
//> { name: 'Ontario', alpha2: 'ON' }
## Options
Attribute | Type | Default | Description
--- | --- | --- | ---
`key` | *string* | `null` | Proper, common, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, alpha-3, or country code
`au` | *boolean* | `false` | ![Australia](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stevenrskelton/flag-icon/master/png/16/country-4x3/au.png "Australia") Australian State flags
`br` | *boolean* | `false` | ![Brazil](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stevenrskelton/flag-icon/master/png/16/country-4x3/br.png "Brazil") Brazilian State flags
`ca` | *boolean* | `false` | ![Canada](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stevenrskelton/flag-icon/master/png/16/country-4x3/ca.png "Canada") Canadian Province and Territory flags
`de` | *boolean* | `false` | ![Germany](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stevenrskelton/flag-icon/master/png/16/country-4x3/de.png "Germany") German State flags
`es` | *boolean* | `false` | ![Spain](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stevenrskelton/flag-icon/master/png/16/country-4x3/es.png "Spain") Spain Autonomous Community flags
`ru` | *boolean* | `false` | ![Russia](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stevenrskelton/flag-icon/master/png/16/country-4x3/ru.png "Russia") Russian Republics, Krais, and Oblast flags
`us` | *boolean* | `false` | ![United States](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stevenrskelton/flag-icon/master/png/16/country-4x3/us.png "United States") US State flags
`maritime` | *boolean* | `false` | Maritime and ICS flags
`racing` | *boolean* | `false` | NASCAR and IndyCar racing flags
`square` | *boolean* | `false` | Use square version instead of 4:3 aspect (only valid for country flags)
`aspect` | *float* | | Override aspect ratio used to render the flag
## Aspect Ratios for Flags
Flags come in all different shapes and sizes, attempts were made to standardize to the following aspect ratios (width:height)
Attribute | Aspect
--- | ---
Country | 4:3
Austrialia | 2:1
Brazil | 3:2
Canada | 2:1
Germany | 5:3
Spain | 3:2
US | 3:2
Russia | 3:2
NASCAR, IndyCar | 4:3
Maritime | 1:1
## Todo
- Loading notification, or default image.
- Compact/minify SVG files
## History
For detailed changelog, check [Releases](https://github.com/stevenrskelton/flag-icon/releases).
## License
[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) © Steven Skelton
GitHub Homepage
Issue tracker
Online Demo
View on GitHub
flag-icon version 0.1.0
### Dependencies
* polymer#Polymer/polymer#~0.2.4
flag-icon version 0.2.1
### Dependencies
* polymer#Polymer/polymer#>=0.3.1
flag-icon version 0.3.0
### Dependencies
* polymer#Polymer/polymer#>=0.3.1
flag-icon version 0.4.0
### Dependencies
* polymer#Polymer/polymer#>=0.3.1
flag-icon version 0.5.0
### Dependencies
* polymer#Polymer/polymer#>=0.3.1
flag-icon version 0.6.1
### Dependencies
* polymer#Polymer/polymer#>=0.3.4
flag-icon version 0.7.0
### Dependencies
* polymer#Polymer/polymer#>=0.4.0
flag-icon version 0.7.1
### Dependencies
* polymer#Polymer/polymer#>=0.5.1
flag-icon version 0.8.1
### Dependencies
* polymer#Polymer/polymer#>=0.5.1
flag-icon version 0.9.0
### Dependencies
* polymer#Polymer/polymer#>=0.5.1
flag-icon version 0.10.0
### Dependencies
* polymer#Polymer/polymer#>=0.5.1
flag-icon version 0.11.0
### Dependencies
* polymer#Polymer/polymer#^0.5.5
flag-icon version 0.11.1
### Dependencies
* polymer#Polymer/polymer#^0.5.5
flag-icon version 0.12.0
### Dependencies
* polymer#Polymer/polymer#^1.0.0
* iron-image#PolymerElements/iron-image#^1.2.1
* iron-flex-layout#PolymerElements/iron-flex-layout#^1.2.2
flag-icon version 1.0.0
### Dependencies
* polymer#Polymer/polymer#1.9 - 2
* iron-image#PolymerElements/iron-image#1 - 2
* iron-flex-layout#PolymerElements/iron-flex-layout#1 - 2
flag-icon version 1.0.1
### Dependencies
* polymer#Polymer/polymer#1.9 - 2
* iron-image#PolymerElements/iron-image#1 - 2
* iron-flex-layout#PolymerElements/iron-flex-layout#1 - 2