
prendus-question-elements - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Fully embeddable custom HTML elements for questions made with AssessML. prendus-question-elements - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-22 ]** # Prendus Question Elements [![CircleCI](]( [![npm version](]( [![dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Published on](]( ![Question demo]( Fully embeddable custom HTML elements for questions made with [AssessML]( Use these elements in any web platform project, including [Web Components](, [Polymer](, [SkateJS](, [React](, [Vue.js](, [Angular](, [Ember.js](, and Vanilla. ## Demos [Playground with blank editor]( ### Multiple choice [Basic demo]( [Advanced demo]( ### Multiple select [Basic demo]( [Advanced demo]( ### Fill in the blank [Basic demo]( [Advanced demo]( ### Essay [Basic demo]( [Advanced demo]( ### Code [Basic demo]( [Advanced demo]( ### Variables [Basic demo]( [Advanced demo]( ### Math symbols [Basic demo]( [Advanced demo]( ### Images [Basic demo]( [Advanced demo]( ### Graphs [Basic demo]( [Advanced demo]( ### Solution [Basic demo]( [Advanced demo]( ## Installation To use in your own project: ```bash npm install prendus-question-elements # Eventually the bower commands below will disappear, but until we can fully support npm, sorry bower install polymer --save bower install paper-tabs --save bower install juicy-ace-editor --save bower install iron-pages --save bower install wysiwyg-e --save bower install paper-toast --save bower install paper-dialog --save bower install paper-input --save bower install paper-button --save bower install iron-icon --save bower install paper-tooltip --save ``` To work on locally: ```bash git clone cd prendus-question-elements npm install npm run test-window ``` ## Use The elements are written in TypeScript, and there is no build process. You will have to implement your own build process to consume them. We use [Zwitterion]( Import the Web Components polyfill for cross-browser compatibility: ```HTML ... ... ``` Import the element that you would like to use: ```HTML ``` Then use the element wherever you would like: ```HTML ``` ## API ### prendus-view-question #### Properties ```typescript questionId: string ``` The Prendus question ID for this question. Providing this property will automatically load the question from the Prendus database. ```typescript question: Question ``` A question object can be used to provide the text and code of a question directly instead of loading it from the Prendus database. Any Question passed in must have the following interface: ```typescript interface Question { readonly text: string; readonly code: string; } ``` ### prendus-edit-question #### Properties ```typescript questionId: string ``` The Prendus question ID for this question. Providing this property will automatically load the question from the Prendus database. ```typescript question: string ``` A question object can be used to provide the text and code of a question directly instead of loading it from the Prendus database. Any Question passed in must have the following interface: ```typescript interface Question { text: string; code: string; } ``` ```typescript user: User ``` A Prendus user. This user (along with the userToken) is necessary to enforce many of the permissions on the questions. Any user passed in must have the following interface: ```typescript interface User { id: string; } ``` ```typescript userToken: string ``` The [Graphcool]( JSON Web Token associated with a user. This token (along with the user) is necessary to enforce many of the permissions on the questions. ```typescript noSave: boolean ``` Whether or not to execute API calls to save the question to the database on changes to the question text or code.