
neon-animation - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Polymer + Web Animations neon-animation - Vaadin Add-on Directory
[![Published on NPM](]( [![Build status](]( [![Published on](]( ## neon-animation `neon-animation` is a suite of elements and behaviors to implement pluggable animated transitions for Polymer Elements using [Web Animations]( Please note that these elements do not include the web-animations polyfill. See: [Documentation](, [Demo]( _See [the guide](./ for detailed usage._ ## Usage ### Installation Element: ``` npm install --save @polymer/neon-animation ``` Polyfill: ``` npm install --save web-animations-js ``` ### In an HTML file ### `NeonAnimatableBehavior` Elements that can be animated by `NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior` should implement the `NeonAnimatableBehavior` behavior, or `NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior` if they're also responsible for running an animation. #### In a Polymer 3 element ```js import {PolymerElement, html} from '@polymer/polymer'; import {mixinBehaviors} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/class.js'; import {NeonAnimatableBehavior} from '@polymer/neon-animation/neon-animatable-behavior.js'; class SampleElement extends mixinBehaviors([NeonAnimatableBehavior], PolymerElement) { static get template() { return html` `; } } customElements.define('sample-element', SampleElement); ``` ### `NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior` #### In a Polymer 3 element ```js import {PolymerElement, html} from '@polymer/polymer'; import {mixinBehaviors} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/class.js'; import {NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior} from '@polymer/neon-animation/neon-animation-runner-behavior.js'; import '@polymer/neon-animation/animations/scale-down-animation.js'; class SampleElement extends mixinBehaviors([NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior], PolymerElement) { static get template() { return html`
this entire element will be animated after one second
`; } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); // must be set here because properties is static and cannot reference "this" this.animationConfig = { // provided by neon-animation/animations/scale-down-animation.js name: 'scale-down-animation', node: this, }; setTimeout(() => this.playAnimation(), 1000); } } customElements.define('sample-element', SampleElement); ``` ### `` A simple element that implements NeonAnimatableBehavior. #### In an html file ```html
this entire element and its parent will be animated after one second
``` #### In a Polymer 3 element ```js import {PolymerElement, html} from '@polymer/polymer'; import {mixinBehaviors} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/class.js'; import {NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior} from '@polymer/neon-animation/neon-animation-runner-behavior.js'; import '@polymer/neon-animation/neon-animatable.js'; import '@polymer/neon-animation/animations/scale-down-animation.js'; class SampleElement extends mixinBehaviors([NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior], PolymerElement) { static get template() { return html`
this div will not be animated
this div and its parent will be animated after one second
`; } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); // must be set here because properties is static and cannot reference "this" this.animationConfig = { // provided by neon-animation/animations/scale-down-animation.js name: 'scale-down-animation', node: this.$.animatable, }; setTimeout(() => this.playAnimation(), 1000); } } customElements.define('sample-element', SampleElement); ``` ### `` `neon-animated-pages` manages a set of pages and runs an animation when switching between them. #### In an html file ```html 1 2 3 4 5 ``` #### In a Polymer 3 element ```js import {PolymerElement, html} from '@polymer/polymer'; import '@polymer/neon-animation/neon-animated-pages.js'; import '@polymer/neon-animation/neon-animatable.js'; import '@polymer/neon-animation/animations/slide-from-right-animation.js'; import '@polymer/neon-animation/animations/slide-left-animation.js'; class SampleElement extends PolymerElement { static get template() { return html` 1 2 3 4 5 `; } increase() { this.$.pages.selected = this.$.pages.selected + 1 % 5; } decrease() { this.$.pages.selected = (this.$.pages.selected - 1 + 5) % 5; } } customElements.define('sample-element', SampleElement); ``` #### In a Polymer 3 element ```js import {PolymerElement, html} from '@polymer/polymer'; import {mixinBehaviors} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/class.js'; import {NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior} from '@polymer/neon-animation/neon-animation-runner-behavior.js'; import '@polymer/neon-animation/animations/neon-animatable.js'; import '@polymer/neon-animation/animations/scale-down-animation.js'; class SampleElement extends mixinBehaviors([NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior], PolymerElement) { static get template() { return html`
this div will not be animated
this div and its parent will be animated after one second
`; } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); // must be set here because properties is static and cannot reference "this" this.animationConfig = { // provided by neon-animation/animations/scale-down-animation.js name: 'scale-down-animation', node: this.$.animatable, }; setTimeout(() => this.playAnimation(), 1000); } } customElements.define('sample-element', SampleElement); ``` ## Contributing If you want to send a PR to this element, here are the instructions for running the tests and demo locally: ### Installation ```sh git clone cd neon-animation npm install npm install -g polymer-cli ``` ### Running the demo locally ```sh polymer serve --npm open ``` ### Running the tests ```sh polymer test --npm ```