
iron-validator-behavior - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Implements a custom input or form validator iron-validator-behavior - Vaadin Add-on Directory
[![Published on NPM](]( [![Build status](]( [![Published on](]( ## IronValidatorBehavior Use `IronValidatorBehavior` to implement a custom input/form validator. Element instances implementing this behavior will be registered for use in elements that implement `IronValidatableBehavior`. See: [Documentation](, [Demo]( ## Usage ### Installation ``` npm install --save @polymer/iron-validator-behavior ``` ### In a Polymer 3 element that is a validator ```js import {PolymerElement, html} from '@polymer/polymer'; import {mixinBehaviors} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/class.js'; import {IronValidatorBehavior} from '@polymer/iron-validator-behavior/iron-validator-behavior.js'; class SampleValidator extends mixinBehaviors([IronValidatorBehavior], PolymerElement){ // This validator only validates strings, and is only valid if // the value is "cat". function validate(value) { return value === 'cat'; } } customElements.define('sample-validator', SampleValidator); ``` ### Using this validator element in an html file ```html ``` ## Contributing If you want to send a PR to this element, here are the instructions for running the tests and demo locally: ### Installation ```sh git clone cd iron-validator-behavior npm install npm install -g polymer-cli ``` ### Running the demo locally ```sh polymer serve --npm open ``` ### Running the tests ```sh polymer test --npm ```