
iron-doc-viewer - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Polymer documentation viewer elements iron-doc-viewer - Vaadin Add-on Directory
[![Published on NPM](]( [![Build status](]( [![Published on](]( ## <iron-doc-viewer> A collection of elements that display documentation about custom elements, mixins, classes, and more using the JSON descriptor format produced by [Polymer Analyzer]( See: [Documentation](, [Demo]( You may also be interested in [``](, which composes the iron-doc elements into a more complete documentation browser. ### Elements * `` Show a table-of-contents. * `` Manage routing and delegate to a child doc element. * `` Show docs about a custom element. * `` Show docs about a Polymer behavior. * `` Show docs about a JavaScript namespace. * `` Show docs about a JavaScript class. * `` Show docs about a JavaScript mixin. ## Usage ### Installation ``` npm install --save @polymer/iron-doc-viewer ``` ### In an html file ```html ``` ### In a Polymer 3 element ```js import {PolymerElement, html} from '@polymer/polymer'; import '@polymer/iron-doc-viewer/iron-doc-viewer.js'; class SampleElement extends PolymerElement { static get template() { return html` `; }, static get properties() { return { descriptor: { type: Object, value: { // Analyzer descriptor goes here. } } }; } } customElements.define('sample-element', SampleElement); ``` ### Routing `` handles URL routing to provide permanent addresses for all locations in the documentation tree, including scroll anchor targets. By default it uses the URL fragment for routing (e.g. `docs.html#/elements/my-element#property-foo`), in order to support simple static file hosts. To use the real URL path for routing, set the `base-href` property to the server mount point, omitting the trailing slash (e.g. `/api/docs` or *empty string* for the root path). Note that this requires a host that serves the application from all paths that should be handled by the doc viewer. ### Styling The iron-doc elements come with an optional material-design default theme that must be explicitly included as custom style: ```html ``` The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling: Custom property | Description | Default ----------------|-------------|---------- `--iron-doc-accent-color` | Color for emphasis (e.g. hyperlink hover). | `#1565c0` `--iron-doc-font-body` | Mixin applied to non-code text. | `{}` `--iron-doc-font-code` | Mixin applied to code snippets. | `{}` `--iron-doc-title` | Mixin applied to page titles. | `{}` `--iron-doc-heading` | Mixin applied to section headings. | `{}` ## Contributing If you want to send a PR to this element, here are the instructions for running the tests and demo locally: ### Installation ```sh git clone cd iron-doc-viewer npm install npm install -g polymer-cli ``` ### Running the demo locally ```sh polymer serve --npm open ``` ### Running the tests ```sh polymer test --npm ```