PaginationBar - Vaadin Add-on Directory
If you want to add pagination function in any "show data component ",the add-on is your best selection.API for 6.0+
API for 7.0+
PaginationBar version 2.0.0
Change log:
change listener add method parameter "int currentPageIndex"
v1.0.1 :parameter like methodName(PaginationBar pagination, Button button);
v2.0.0 :parameter like methodName(int currentPageIndex, PaginationBar pagination, Button button);
@param:int currentPageIndex was the current page index you can use it for loading Data;
About details of usage, you can see the demo source file.
Any issue you find,you can contact me through mail to or submit your comment in my blog "".
PaginationBar version 3.0.0
Change log:
Add a panel to the bar,bind "shortcut KeyBoard.ENTER" to the panel.
V2.0 add a global shortcut for input,
V3.0 'scope' the shortcut to the panel.
Any issue you find,you can contact me through mail to or
submit your comment in my blog "".
PaginationBar version 3.0.1
Fix a little of Layout about bar.
PaginationBar version 4.0.0
Change log:
############### V4.0.0 ###################
Make the button looks like label,that look feel good.
############### V3.0.1 ###################
Fix a little of Layout about bar.
############### V3.0.0 ###################
Add a panel to the bar,bind "shortcut KeyBoard.ENTER" to the panel.
V2.0 add a global shortcut for input,
V3.0 'scope' the shortcut to the panel.
############### v2.0.0 ###################
change listener add method parameter "int currentPageIndex"
v1.0.1 :parameter like methodName(PaginationBar pagination, Button button);
v2.0.0 :parameter like methodName(int currentPageIndex, PaginationBar pagination, Button button);
@param:int currentPageIndex was the current page index you can use it for loading data easyly.
About details of usage, you can see the demo source file.
Any issue you find,you can contact me through mail to or
submit your comment in my blog "".
PaginationBar version 5.0.0
Change log:
############### V5.0.0 ###################
1.Set default text to << < > >>
2.Add set Tool Tip method.
setForwardTooTip(String forwardTooTip)
setFirstTooTip(String firstTooTip)
setNextTooTip(String nextTooTip)
setLastTooTip(String lastTooTip)
setInputTooTip(String inputTooTip)
3.Add getter medthod.
public TextField getInputField()
public NativeButton getFirstButton()
public NativeButton getLastButton()
public NativeButton getNextButton()
public NativeButton getForwardButton()
PaginationBar version 6.0.0
Change log:
############### V6.0.0 ###################
1.use icons replace text to make it nicer and smaller.
2.Add method to set tooltip language,default : "en"
parameter can be "en"(english) or "cn"(china)
3.In addition,you must place "icos files" to folder : WebRoot/VAADIN/themes/paginationbar/icons/16/
"icos files" are in "WebRoot" folder of zip package.
PaginationBar version 7.0.0
Remove all unnecessary methods of PaginationBarListener.
PaginationBar's goal is write little do more.
Detials you can find in online API 7.0,@