vue-dealwithit - Vaadin Add-on Directory
(no summary available)# dealwithit
Set the sizePercentage attribute (default = 100)
To display, run:
vm.displayAt = {top: 30, left: 40};
As webcomponent:
document.getElementById('your-id').displayAt = {top: 10, left: 30};
To hide, click the shades
## Project setup
yarn install
### Compiles and hot-reloads for development
yarn run serve
### Compiles and minifies for production
yarn run build
### Build web component
vue build --target wc --name deal-with-it ./src/web-component.js
### Run your tests
yarn run test
### Lints and fixes files
yarn run lint
View on NPMView on GitHub
vue-dealwithit version 1.0.1
### Dependencies
* @vue/web-component-wrapper#^1.2.0
* vue#^2.5.17