
emoji-rain - Vaadin Add-on Directory

☔️✨ A Polymer element that makes it rain emoji emoji-rain - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-10 ]** # :sparkles: emoji-rain :sparkles: `` is a Polymer element that makes it rain emoji on any page. Because it can. emoji rain ☔️ The number of drops is configurable (by default it's set to 250). The `active` attribute determines whether the emoji are raining, but you can also manually `start()` and `stop()` the rain. Example: ```html ``` �️ Optionally, you can also use the Twitter emoji instead of the native ones. `twemoji.js` and all its images will only be loaded on demand, so if you don't want to eat the performance cost, you don't have to: ```html ``` ## Usage Install with bower: ``` mkdir emoji-rain-demo && cd emoji-rain-demo bower install emoji-rain ``` Drop it in a page, next to the newly created `bower_components` folder: ```html zomg ``` # :sparkles::umbrella::joy_cat: