A date field that understands natural-language input (e.g "next friday at eleven")
NaturalDate is a date input field that accepts natural language input, allowing the user to input dates (and times) such as "next friday", "tomorrow at nine", etc.
The component uses the now defunct JChronic library (which in turn is a Java version of the ruby Chronic library) to parse the input on the server side. A client-side implementation is in the works and will be added to a future version.
Sample code
package org.vaadin.naturaldate; import org.vaadin.naturaldate.NaturalDate.InvalidValueEvent; import org.vaadin.naturaldate.NaturalDate.InvalidValueListener; import com.mdimension.jchronic.Options; import com.vaadin.Application; import com.vaadin.ui.DateField; import com.vaadin.ui.InlineDateField; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Window; public class NaturaldateDemo extends Application { @Override public void init() { new MainWindow("NaturalDateField Demo"); } private class MainWindow extends Window { MainWindow(String caption) { super(caption); setMainWindow(this); ((VerticalLayout) getContent()).setSpacing(true); // This is the NaturalDate component NaturalDate nd = new NaturalDate("Natural date"); addComponent(nd); nd.setValue("2nd tuesday this month"); Options o = new Options(); o.setDebug(true); nd.setOptions(o); nd.setWidth("240px"); nd.setInputPrompt("When?"); nd.setImmediate(true); nd.addListener(new InvalidValueListener() { public void invalidValue(InvalidValueEvent event) { getMainWindow().showNotification("InvalidValue", event.getInvalidValue(), Notification.TYPE_WARNING_MESSAGE); } }); // ...connect to regular DateField to show everything is working DateField d = new InlineDateField("Interpreted date"); d.setImmediate(true); addComponent(d); d.setPropertyDataSource(nd); } } }
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- Released
- 2010-01-22
- Maturity
- License
- Apache License 2.0
- Framework
- Vaadin 6.0+
- Browser
- N/A
NaturalDate - Vaadin Add-on Directory
A date field that understands natural-language input (e.g "next friday at eleven")NaturalDate is a date input field that accepts natural language input, allowing the user to input dates (and times) such as "next friday", "tomorrow at nine", etc.
The component uses the now defunct JChronic library (which in turn is a Java version of the ruby Chronic library) to parse the input on the server side. A client-side implementation is in the works and will be added to a future version.
Project on Google CodeLive demo