
mp-calendar - Vaadin Add-on Directory

mp-calendar is a web components providing calendar date functionality and event support, build with Polymer 2.0 mp-calendar - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-22 ]** [![Build Status](]( [![Published on](]( [![Published on Vaadin Directory](]( [![Stars on](]( ## <mp-calendar> It's a web components, providing calendar date functionality and events support, build with Polymer 2.0. For quick navigation between month and year, you can select one from the list. ## Demo [mp-calendar docs & demo]( ## Install the component using [Bower]( ```bash $ bower install --save mp-calendar ``` ## Usage 1. Import Web Components' polyfill: ```html ``` 2. Import Custom Element: ```html ``` 3. Start using it! ```html ``` ## Properties Property | Type | Description | Default -------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- day-labels | Array | This property can be used to localize the elements day labels. Do not change the order | Default: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday month-labels | Array | This property can be used to localize the elements month labels. | January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December disabled-dates | Array | Disable current month's weekdays. Set the disabled dates. ex. `disabled-dates="[4, 10, 12, 19, 30]"`| None disabled-days | Object | Disable week days. Set the disabled days. This will read the days from dayLabels. If you use custom day labels, same values must be applyied here. ex. For default values: `disabled-days='["Monday", "Thursday"]'`. For custom labes: `day-labels='["Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa"]'` then `disabled-days='["Mo", "Th"]'`. | None disabled-in-months | Array | Related to `disabled-dates` & `disabled-weeks`. In which months, the disabled days or weeks will be disabled. ex. `disabled-in-months="[5, 6]"`. The `disabled-dates` & `disabled-weeks` will effective on May & June. | All months disabled-weeks | Array | Disable month's weeks, starting from 0 to 4 for default. If `show-days-in-month=42` then total weeks are from 0 to 5 | None disable-prev-days | Boolean | Disable previous month days. | false disable-next-days | Boolean | Disable next month days. | false events-file | String | Set a json file that includes the events. ex. `events-file="events.json"` | None events-object | Object | Set an object containing events. ex. `events-object='[{"title":"Red style category","content":"Skype call at 15:40","date":"2018-07-20","category":"red", "color": "#000"}]'` | None first-day-of-week | Number | Set the first day of the week. Sunday is 0, Monday is 1 and so on | 0 show-days-in-month | Number | How many day will be visible on each month, including previous and next month days. | 35 min-year | Number | Set the min year list. | 5 max-year | Number | Set the max year list. | 5 event-day-color | String | Event border color for a day with more than 3 events. Color can be set as rgb(a), hex or hsl(a) | `#b56ce2` ## Themes There are 2 additional theme to chose, `dark` and `light-blue`. ![dark style](demo/dark-theme.png) ![light blue style](demo/light-blue.png) You can also customize the calendar your self with the following properties: Property | Description -------- | ----------- --main-bg | Calendar's main background color --header-bg | Calendar's header background color --main-header-color | Calendar's header color --header-icon-bg | Calendar's icons background --header-icon-opacity | header's icon opacity on hover event --labels-color | The color of the days --border-width | Calendar's border width --border-right-width | Calendar's right border (if you set it to 0 then the dates will have top and bottom border) --border-color | Calendar's border color --prev-days-bg | Calendar's previous month dates background color --prev-days-color | Calendar's previous month dates color --curr-days-bg | Calendar's current month dates background --curr-days-color | Calendar's current month dates color --next-days-bg | Calendar's next month dates background --next-days-color | Calendar's next month dates color --disabled-color | Calendar's disabled dates color --disabled-text-shadow | Calendar's disabled dates text shadow effect --selected-day-bg | Calendar's selected day background color --today-boxshadow-color | Calendar's current date shadow style, it's adding a small border style effect --selected-day-hover-bg | Calendar's selected day background color on hover ### Events There are 4 ready to use categories: red, blue, green and orange. Each day which have an event will also have a color line at the right side, based on the category. If a day have 4 or more events than the display color will get the `event-day-color`. Date format YYYY-MM-DD. If you change the json file on `events-file` or an event on `events-object`, calendar will automatically show the changes. Example: ```html [ { "title": "Red style category", "content": "Skype call at 15:40", "date": "2017-06-02", "category": "red", "color": "#000" }, { "title": "orange style category", "content": "Meeting at 14:00", "date": "2017-06-05", "category": "orange" }, { "title": "Green style category", "content": "Just a notification", "date": "2017-06-10", "category": "green" }, { "title": "Blue style category", "content": "Doctor's appointment at 20:00", "date": "2017-06-18", "category": "blue" } ] ``` ## Icons [Designed by Designerz Base]( ## Big Thanks Cross-browser Testing Platform and Open Source <3 Provided by [Sauce Labs]( ![]( ## License MIT License