
titanium-dependency-injection - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Dependency injection for Polymer titanium-dependency-injection - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-10 ]** # titanium-dependency-injection To install use: `bower install --save titanium-dependency-injection` [ LIVE DEMO AND API ]( [![Published on](]( ## Scenario: ``` ---app-main <-- RESOLVER. anything provided below this (user-manager in this case) is resolved from this component --my-parent-component <-- PROVIDER of user-manager. user-manager lives in this component. -user-manager -component-a -component-b -component-c -component-d -component-e -my-child-component <-- needs access to user-manager becomes REQUESTER of user-manager -user-manager -component-f --my-faq --my-feedback ``` ## How to use: In this example we have a single instance component that is called user-manager that we would like to use in a child component nested deep in our app. Rather then binding the user-manager through the component tree in our app, we can simply provide, store, and then request the user-manager as seen below. ### 1. Declare a parent component as the dependency resolver, which will store the references to provided objects (user-manager) ```typescript class MyParentComponent extends TitanumDependencyResolverMixin(Polymer.Element) { } ``` ### 2. Provide your component in any child component ```typescript class FirstChildComponent extends TitanumProviderMixin(Polymer.Element) { ready() { super.ready(); this.provideInstance("UserManager", this.$.userManager); } } ``` ### 3. Request your component from any child component ```typescript class DemoRequester extends TitaniumRequesterMixin(Polymer.Element) { async connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); var userManager = await this.requestInstance('UserManager'); userManager.ensureLoggedIn(); } } ``` ### Be both a requester and provider ```typescript class MyComponent extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors([TitanumProviderMixin,TitaniumRequesterMixin],Polymer.Element) { ready() { super.ready(); this.provideInstance("MyComponent", this); } async connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); let userManager = await this.requestInstance("UserManager"); userManager.ensureLoggedIn(); } async onLogoutButtonClick(){ let userManager = this.requestInstance("UserManager"); userManager.logout(); } } ```
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titanium-dependency-injection version 1.0.0
### Dependencies

titanium-dependency-injection version 2.0.2
### Dependencies

titanium-dependency-injection version initial_release
### Dependencies

titanium-dependency-injection version updates_demo_values
### Dependencies

titanium-dependency-injection version 1.0.1
### Dependencies

titanium-dependency-injection version 2.0.3
### Dependencies

titanium-dependency-injection version 2.0.4
### Dependencies

titanium-dependency-injection version 2.0.5
### Dependencies

titanium-dependency-injection version 2.0.13
### Dependencies * polymer2-ts#^1.1.17

titanium-dependency-injection version 2.0.6
### Dependencies

titanium-dependency-injection version 3.0.5
### Dependencies

titanium-dependency-injection version 3.0.6
### Dependencies