
list-file-upload - Vaadin Add-on Directory

CSV-, Excel- and Text-File Upload helper list-file-upload - Vaadin Add-on Directory
This addon is used to process a CSV, Excel or text file. To execute a clean processing, the corresponding variable (= Excel cell) must be annotated in the corresponding domain class (Excel -> Java) with the fileUpload annotation. The FileUpload annotation must be passed to a FileUploadProcessor. This serves to carry out a test on the corresponding, e.g. Excel cell. Further in the code examples. ## How to use it Official releases of this add-on are available at Vaadin Directory. For Maven instructions, download and reviews, go to!addon/list-file-upload ## How it works You must annotate variables that are to be set during the file upload with the annotation `@FileUpload()`. Example: ```java public class DemoObject { @FileUpload(header = "first-name", converter = FirstNameDemoObjectUploadProcessor.class) private String firstName; @FileUpload(header = "last-name", converter = LastNameDemoObjectUploadProcessor.class) private String lastName; @FileUpload(header = "email", converter = EmailDemoObjectUploadProcessor.class) private String email; [...] } ``` File cell processor example: ```java public class FirstNameDemoObjectUploadProcessor implements FileCellProcessor { @Override public void process(DemoObject data, Cell cell) throws ContentValidationException { String value = cell.getStringValue(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) { data.setFirstName(value); } else { throw new ContentValidationException("Field First-Name is required"); } } } ``` ### Simple In the Vaadin UI, you must initialize the `SimpleFileUploadProcessor` and specify what should happen in case of a fault-free or incorrect file upload. The `SimpleFileUploadProcessor` must be passed to the upload element (from Vaadin) as` succeededListener`. Example: ```java SimpleFileUploadProcessor uploadProcessor = new SimpleFileUploadProcessor<>(DemoObject.class, (event, items) -> { gridSimpleItems.addAll(items); demoSimpleGrid.getDataProvider().refreshAll(); }, (event, errorItems) -> { gridSimpleErrorItems.addAll(errorItems); importErrorSimpleGrid.getDataProvider().refreshAll(); }); Upload upload = new Upload("Choose file...", uploadProcessor); upload.addSucceededListener(uploadProcessor); rootLayout.addComponent(upload); ``` ### Stream In the Vaadin UI, you must initialize the `StreamFileUploadProcessor` and specify what should happen in case of a fault-free or incorrect file upload. The `StreamFileUploadProcessor` must be passed to the upload element (from Vaadin) as` succeededListener`. Example: ```java StreamFileUploadProcessor uploadProcessor = new StreamFileUploadProcessor<>(DemoObject.class, item -> { gridStreamItems.add(item); demoStreamGrid.getDataProvider().refreshAll(); }, error -> { gridStreamErrorItems.add(error); importErrorStreamGrid.getDataProvider().refreshAll(); }, event ->"Upload completed!")); Upload upload = new Upload("Choose file...", uploadProcessor); upload.addSucceededListener(uploadProcessor); rootLayout.addComponent(upload); ``` ## Try it with the demo ```` git clone mvn clean install cd list-file-upload-demo mvn jetty:run ```` To see the demo, navigate to http://localhost:8080/ ## Contributing Issues for this add-on are tracked [here]( All bug reports and feature requests are welcome.
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list-file-upload version 1.0.2