
l2t-paper-slider - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Polymer element for displaying slides in a carousel l2t-paper-slider - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-10 ]** # < l2t-paper-slider > Polymer element for displaying slides in a carousel. Have a quick look at the [Component page]( ![Screenshot]( ## Install with bower First you need bower, [see their site]( for details ``` bower install --save l2t-paper-slider ``` ## Examples Each slide must be within a paper-slide tag, but other than that you have complete control. ```html #1 #2 #3 #4 ``` There is also auto progression and slide duration for how long it should remain on one slide ```html #1 #2 #3 ``` You can set a different default start position, the first start postion is 0 (as opposed to 1) ```html #1 #2 ``` ## Styling The following custom properties are available for styling: | Custom property | Description | Default | |----------------|-------------|-------------| | --paper-slider-styles | (Mixin) Customs styles for slider container | NULL | | --paper-slide-dot | Color of unselected Nav Dot | rgba(255, 255, 255, .5) | | --paper-slide-dot-selected | Color of selected Nav Dot | #FFF | | --paper-slide-width | Width of slide container | 100% | | --paper-slide-height | Height of slide container | 600px | | --paper-slider-dot-container-styles | (Mixin) Custom styles for dot container | NULL | | --paper-slide-dot-styles | (Mixin) Custom styles for dot | NULL | | --paper-slide-background | Default background color for slides | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) | | --paper-slide-font-size | Default font size for slide | medium ## Attributes ### Public | Attribute Name | Functionality | Type | Default | |----------------|-------------|-------------|-------------| | totalSlides | Number for storing total number of slides | Number | NULL | | autoProgress | Boolean value to state if slides should auto proceed | Boolean | false | | slideDuration | Number of seconds each slide should remain for | Number | 5 | | hideNav | Boolean value to state if nav should should hidden | Boolean | false | | position | Number for storing start position of slides | Number | 0 | | disableSwipe | Boolean value to state if swipe shoud work | Boolean | false | | sensitivity | String to storing high, low or default swipe sensitivity | String | 'default' | ### Private | Attribute Name | Functionality | Type | Default | |----------------|-------------|-------------|-------------| | _totalDots | Array for storing number leading up to totalSlides | Array | [] | | _dotStyles | Object for storing all the styles of the dot elements | Object | NULL | ## Methods ### Public | Method Name | Action | |----------------|-------------| | moveNext() | Method for moving to the next slide or back to the first slide | | movePrev() | Method for moving to the previous slide or to the last slide | | movePos(slide) | Method for moving to a specific slide | ### Private | Method Name | Action | |----------------|-------------| | _autoProceed() | Method for moving automatically ever slideDuration seconds | | _countSlides() | Count the slides, and set totalSlides | | _createDots(t) | Create the nav dots 1 for each slide | | _animateCSS() | Method for styling and animating dots | | _listenerInit() | Adds onclick listener To update the position | | _reInit() | Method to reinitialise on totalSlides change | | _swipeHandler(e) | Method for adding swipe event handler | ## Credit I adapted this project from [Tobias Reich]('s project [Material Slider Dots]( The code is mostly his, I just made it more dynamic for a polymer enviroment.