l2t-fab-footer - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Polymer Element to display FAB in a footer toolbar[![Published on NPM](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/l2t-fab-footer.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/l2t-fab-footer)
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## <l2t-fab-footer>
`l2t-fab-footer` is a footer toolbar with a cut out for a FAB in the centre.
See: [Documentation](https://www.webcomponents.org/element/l2t-fab-footer), [Demo](https://www.webcomponents.org/element/l2t-fab-footer/demo/demo/index.html).
## Usage
### Installation
npm install --save link2twenty/l2t-fab-footer
### In an html file
### In a Polymer 3 element
import {PolymerElement, html} from '@polymer/polymer';
import './l2t-fab-footer/l2t-fab-footer.js';
import '@polymer/iron-icons/iron-icons.html';
class SampleElement extends PolymerElement {
static get template() {
return html`
customElements.define('sample-element', SampleElement);
## Styling
The following custom properties are available for styling:
| Custom property | Description | Default |
| --fab-footer-height | The height of the footer element | 42px |
| --fab-footer-background | The color of the footer element's background | --primary-color |
| --fab-footer-color | The color of the footer element's text/icons | --dark-theme-text-color |
## Contributing
If you want to send a PR to this element, here are
the instructions for running the tests and demo locally:
### Installation
git clone https://github.com/link2twenty/l2t-fab-footer
cd l2t-fab-footer
npm install
npm install -g polymer-cli
### Running the demo locally
polymer serve --npm
open http://localhost:/demo/
View on NPMView on GitHub
l2t-fab-footer version 1.0.0
### Dependencies
* @polymer/iron-icons#^3.0.1
* @polymer/lit-element#^0.6.3
* @polymer/paper-fab#^3.0.1
l2t-fab-footer version 1.0.1
### Dependencies
* @polymer/iron-icons#^3.0.1
* @polymer/lit-element#^0.6.3
* @polymer/paper-fab#^3.0.1
l2t-fab-footer version 1.0.2
### Dependencies
* @polymer/iron-icons#^3.0.1
* @polymer/lit-element#^0.6.3
* @polymer/paper-fab#^3.0.1
l2t-fab-footer version 1.0.3
### Dependencies
* @polymer/iron-icons#^3.0.1
* @polymer/lit-element#^0.6.3
* @polymer/paper-fab#^3.0.1