
resizable-panels - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Web Component that allows to resize its childrens vertically or horizontally resizable-panels - Vaadin Add-on Directory
**[ This description is mirrored from at []( on 2019-05-22 ]** # resizable-panels [![Published on](]( [![Component's Demo](resizable-panels.png)]( `` allows to resize the width (default) or the height (vertical mode) of the component childrens. ```html
Lorem ipsum dolor…
Second panel
``` Vertical mode: ```html
Lorem ipsum dolor…
Second panel
Third panel
``` ## Events - `resizing`: Fired when the panels are resized and when the resize ends. @param {Object} detail { state: start|end } ## Styling The following custom CSS properties are available for styling: | Custom property | Description | Default | |:-------------------------------|:----------------------------------------|------------:| | --resizable-panels-knob-size | width (default) or height of the knobs | 4px | | --resizable-panels-knob-color | background color of the knobs | #fff | | --resizable-panels-knob | Mixin applied to the knob | {} | ## Demo [Demo and API docs]( ## Install Install the component using [Bower]( ```bash $ bower i -S kcmr/resizable-panels ``` ## Usage Import Web Components polyfill: ```js ``` Import Custom Element: ```html ``` Use it!